Where forget-me-nots and marigolds and other things that don't get old, that don't get old. But between one June and September you're all I remember... Forget Me, by The Promise Ring
24 / Female / Preston, United Kingdom
Not Sure / Single
Member since:
Dec 25, 2014
Last online:
Jan 20, 2015
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About Me
Sooooo... My name is Natalia, and im 14. I live in England, in Preston, Longridge. im Polsih but moved here when I was 12. Guess it was not the easiest thing to do for a 12 year old girl, and even though I still dont like the fact that I live here, I just accepted it, and im kind of over it. Its really hard for me to make friends, and then to keep them, so im rather a lonely person, but I dont mind it that much, im alright with not being very popular. )I could still use some new friends though) My world evolves mostly around music and art. I play flute since I was seven, and piano since 10/11. I also just got a guitar, and im starting to play it. I sing, but mostly for myself, I used to be in a choir, but I dont like it anymore. I sketch and paint.
I like to read too.
im quite shy, but when you get to know me better, im proper crazy. (Also im sorry if I offend you, im a bit too open and honest sometimes).
And yeah, I think thats mostly.it. If you want to know more, just ask me, I dont bite. (Mkst of the time)
Favourite Music
I dont have a favourite genre, I just like different songs.
I can give you some of my favourite bands and singers:
-Bring me the Horizon
-Black Veil Brides
-My Chemical Romance
-Sleeping with Sirens
-Falling in Reverse
-Avril Lavigne
-Ed Sheeran
And lots more, they're just a first few that came into mt mind.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Its a Kind of Funny Story, Rainy Days, Sweeney Todd, Suicide Room, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Pretty Little Liars. Again, loads more.
And Anime. -The Vampire Diaries
-Dark Heart
-House Of Night
-We Children From Bahnof Zoo
And more but dont know the english titles.