Why can't you see, that I am okay? You take more drugs than me. Chewing your cheek, I can't believe you put me in a straight jacket. California, by Yungblud
26 / Male / The "I dont give a shit" state, United Kingdom
Bisexual / In a Relationship
Member since:
Dec 01, 2012
Last online:
Dec 23, 2013
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About Me
Hey there you beautiful mother fucker. My name is Alecx and I really love Chris Cerruli. I have a girlfriend now wat.I love you Sophia okay. I was placed on this Earth to fuck shit up, so far succeeding in my purpose. Currently residing on the internet, deciding I'm just too cute for human interaction. Bands and the internet ruined my life in the most amazing way possible. Especially, Chelsea Grin and Motionless In White.
Lots of my friends live in other states. That's why I hate where I am and can't wait to get the fuck out. Most people make me sick. I don't take kindly to bigot minded fucks.
Love yah babez. c;
Favourite Music
Let's see.I like everything.But I absolutely detest, with a BURNING passion, Country and rap.
I like black metal.That shit be brutal. c;
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I like Tim Burton movies.Well some of them.
I also like..really..REALLY...gory movies.Like.About death, exorcism and stuff.
One example is; "The Omen".Its about some kid who's an antichrist and basically..he troubles everyone. o; So yeah.That movie is awesome.
I like all "Lord Of The Rings" series. o; Like..I have all the CD's and all the book sets.I'm a freak.
Dude, I mainly read dictionaries.So I could corrent arrogant people.
I'm a troll.
Education / Occupation
9th grade. ;-; So basically...I'm horrible.I cant even believe it I made it this far.
Who I'd Like To Meet
If we're talking about "celebrities" here; Basically, I met all my idols in person.So its no big deal.I just want to adopt them.
-If we're talking about "human beings", I want to meet a person who's like, exactly like me.
Last night was amazing as fuck.
Like, me and Katrina, one of my bestfriends;
Spent the WHOLE FUCKING NIGHT listening to Chelsea Grin and watching movies and Motionless In White interviews.
And the best part is, I dont have to go to school. c:
Probably the best night of my life.
And I haven't had alot of them.
So, I'm like so fucking psyched right now.
I just figured that I passed...Social Studies.
Socialfuckingstudies. ;_;
I got an 80/100.
Thats like...I think I'm like dead.
I shall now die happy.
Guys, so I'm having like a SERIOUSLY hard time studying for some exams.
I apologize if I won't be able to like, reply to comments, private messages..and so on.
I probably won't be on even. ._. But hey.That doesn't mean I'm dead.
'Cause if I honestly get near a Bible I would probably burst into flames and die.
That will happen.
Pray mortals.
When my father attempts on having "the talk" with me. ._.
Dad: Alecx, we have to discuss something.
Me: Yeah sure yeah.
Dad: Well, there comes a certain point in life when a boy, now a man, will be deeply intrested in fem-
Me: Dad.
Dad:Yes son.
Me: If this is about sex I already know.
Dad: Glad we had this talk.
I fucking swear. ._.
Day 13:"Write about something you belive in."
I belive in equality.
Like.Yeah.And unicorns.
Day 13: "Your favorite quote."
I dont have only one.
I'll just say two.'Cause I'm badass.
"Open Your Mind Before Your Mouth."
Is a quote I've been living on for the past 14 years of my worthless life.
This quote has taught me so fucking much.
Like.The ngatives and causes about how it can be hurtfull to misjudge a person; for example, his intrests, hobbies, life..etc.
You dont honestly have to run your mouth about shit like that.
Just be you.
Another quote is;
"Music is the only thing that has ever made sense to me."
Honestly, this is fucking true in ever single way possible.
Its perfect.And if you disagree, your arguement is fucking invalid.Dont you dare.I will eat you.No.Ew.
Day 12: "The best advice you've ever heard or been given."
I have one cause, for that matter.
First one was, when I was trying to "fit in".And act like all those brainwashed bastards of society.Categorized in each fucking way possible.
When like, this guy, I don't actually recall his name, cause frankly, I didn't know what his name was.
So.He was all: "Dude.Dont try to be one of them.You're much more than that."
Then he left.
Dropped out or something.
I actually wonder what happened to him.So..yeah.
Day 11:"The worst advice you've ever heard or been given."
There was this one time in 5th grade I liked a girl called "Melonny".She was pretty epic.WAS.
Anywho, so my bestbest friend Danni, who I'm still friends with today, adviced me to like slober all over her lunch, and that way she will "notice" my being.
Anywho, I did that.
She now hates me.
And Danni, well she died. c: I killed her.Yes.