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Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel my heart? Can You Feel My Heart, by Bring Me The Horizon

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - InsomniZaeda


29 / Male / Florida (The place where everything bad goes), United States
Pansexual / In a Relationship
Member since: Mar 31, 2014
Last online: May 11, 2022

Current rating: 8.0/10 (2 votes cast)

About Me

^^^^^Made by Layla's amazing girlfriend, Avalanche

All I can say is: I'm not anything special.

Zaeda, Zae, Zaebae, Zaebat, Insomni, Roo, Kittycat, Dickbagel, or anything else you feel like calling me.

Theoretically there are billions of parallel universes in which practically everything is possible but I guarantee there is not one in which I give a shit~


↣ Congratulations on being able to read my description. I'd give you a gold star, but I really don't give a shit. You can call me Zae or any variation of the name. I'm an egotistical narcissist with low self-esteem who hates what he has become. Orientation wise, I'm pansexual with an asexual mindset. If anything I say annoys, confuses or offends you in any way, then you're too soft and we should totally hook up. I've been here for quite a while, so don't feel the need to tell me how most of SoEmo has become cancer. I'm well aware. ↢

⍋You're far from original.⍋

Cattells 16 Factor Test Results
Warmth ||||||||||||||| 50%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||| 50%
Aggressiveness ||||||||| 30%
Liveliness |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Dutifulness |||||||||||| 38%
Social Assertiveness ||||||||||||||| 42%
Sensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Abstractness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Introversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Openmindedness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Independence ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Perfectionism ||||||||||||||| 50%
Tension ||||||||||||||| 42%
Take Cattell 16 Factor Test (similar to 16pf)
personality tests by similarminds.com

Name :Pfff
Nick Name :Zae, Zaeda, Insomni, Zaebat, Zaebae, King of the Dickbagels, Bagel, Kitty Cat, Roo
Birthdate :Sept 12th
Birthplace :Tampa
Current Location :On my couch
Eye Color :Hazel/Green
Hair Color :Light brown
Height :5'8"
Weight :130lbs
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :Yup, he's wonderful
Vehicle :Jeep renegade
Overused Phrase :oh my. :0
Food :Sour gummy worms
Candy :starbursts
Number :0
Color :Purple
Animal :Fox or owl
Drink :Blueberry redbull
Body Part on Opposite sex :eyes and smile
TV Show :steven universe
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :neither, gross
McDonalds or BurgerKing :McDs
Chocolate or VanillaChoco
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :Coffee
Kiss or Hug :Hug
Dog or Cat :Cat
Rap or Punk :Punk
Summer or Winter :Summer (fuck the cold)
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :Funny
Love or Money :Love and money
Bedtime :never
Most Missed Memory :deez nuts
Best phyiscal feature :ehhh eyes?
First Thought Waking Up :Food
Ambition :none
Best Friends :what are friends?
Weakness :Food
Fears :none really.
Longest relationship :3years
Cheated Your Partner :no
Ever been beaten up :yes
Ever beaten someone up :yes
Ever Shoplifted :yes
Ever Skinny Dipped :yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :yes ;0
Been Dumped Lately :no
Favorite Eye Color :brown or blue
Favorite Hair Color :meh
Short or Long :meh
Height :taller than me lol
Style :meh
Looks or Personality :personality
Hot or Cuteehhhh? cute
Muscular or Really Skinny :in between?
What country do you want to Visit :all of them
How do you want to Die :drowning
Been to the Mall Lately :Yes
Get along with your Parents :no
Health Freak :a little
Do you think your Attractive :no
Believe in Yourself :no
Want to go to College :eventually
Do you Smoke :trying to quit
Do you Drink :sometimes
Shower Daily :yes
Been in Love :am right now, hot damn
Do you Sing :a little
Want to get Married :yes
Do you want Children :yes
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :already have
Hate anyone :yes
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Favourite Music

If only I knew

Favourite Films / TV / Books

http://m.youtube.com/results?q=creepy+vine&sm=3 All of them 

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

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