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Dear gravity, you held me down in this starless city Tiffany Blews, by Fall Out Boy

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - NotWithoutAFight


32 / Male / London, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since: Dec 14, 2010
Last online: Mar 12, 2018

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I love Jack Daniels.


Please don't add me if you don't have any intention of talking to me, have bad conversation skills, are unsociable, aren't going to be talkative/social/be able to hold a conversation or reply to my messages! Also text talk and conversations involving "Hi how are you" "Yeah..." and less than 10 words are not welcome. Small talk and I don't work very well. If we get on well I might send a pic!

Favourite Music

A Day To Remember
All Time Low
Blink 182
Bowling For Soup
Bring Me The Hairspray
Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!
Fall Out Boy
Foo Fighters
Four Year Strong
Green Day
Heart of a Coward
Jimmy Eat World
Memphis May Fire
Motion City Soundtrack
Neck Deep
New Found Glory
Papa Roach
Simple Plan
Sleeping With Sirens
Sum 41
We Are The In Crowd
While She Sleeps
You Me at Six
Young Guns

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Education / Occupation


Who I'd Like To Meet

Comments (Add Comment)

Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Dec 06 2014, 05:21 PM
we didn't do presents last year but it turned out to be a good thing. ahh see i love most of my extended family (which is shit ton of people on both sides) I don't really look forward to new years or anything. I feel like people expect change with a new year that's just not gonna happen
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Dec 02 2014, 08:05 AM
You're not the only one i have lots of friends who aren't bothered about christmas. I just see it as a time to be happy. I'm always up for unnecessary joy, the rest of the year is too depressing. And my mum sent me a calendar in the post i was very surprised but also thankful
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Dec 01 2014, 02:59 PM
It's technically 50/25/25. Only the front has colour the rest is black. And i felt like it that's why. Nah i was at uni all day black friday and i'm broke anyway so i bought nothing. Did you go crazy? It's the first day of chocolate month
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Dec 01 2014, 08:06 AM
I'm sorry, i'm such an ass i keep forgetting to reply to your comment T-T
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Nov 04 2014, 02:12 PM
ah that sucks that could have been a cool place to go to. Oh well ^^ I've heard of a few good places around kingston but my friends aren't very adventurous and like going to all the popular places unfortunately. Ahh stress and I are old friends XD and thanks aha. I do love having red hair
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Oct 27 2014, 05:17 AM
Knotslip aha that's great XD I don't know if they are actually parodying anyone in particular or if it is just the genre in general. Their lyrics are just great xD I like kingston, it's great here i am definitely gettin gused to it. Nice being this close to London. Sounds like you're doing well :)
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Sep 29 2014, 02:50 AM
they're a death metal parody band. Which basically means that they sound like death metal but their lyrics are just plain hilarious. And i dont think that Wednesday 13 (who is a guy - singer of murderdolls) is your kind of music ahaha and yes i'm in london basically now, it's great XD ooh is it good stress or bad stress?? what are you up to?
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Sep 26 2014, 09:45 AM
Evil Scarecrow was the highlight i would say, they're a great but odd band, wednesday 13's acoustic show, Three Days Grace last week, which was the best thing ever a few others. Studying is going good, just started in kingston it's fun. Hows stuff with you?
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Sep 25 2014, 01:10 PM
I didnt go to reading or leeds, didnt really like enough of the acts to justify the price. Went to a few gigs instead. My music taste is just steadily getting weirder and weirder.
Emo Pictures - LifeHasStarted
Aug 29 2014, 04:45 AM
So how has your summer and the gig gone?
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