Gage ...
28 / Male / CAlifornia, United States
Bisexual / Broken Hearted
Member since:
Dec 30, 2012
Last online:
Feb 06, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
well i'm have a hard time looking at people in the eye because it makes me feel uncomfortable. I like to listen to music on my ipod while hanging out on the roof on top of my house. i'm from scotland. i love bein g around other kids like me, people who will accept me. i really love invader zim, adventure time, regular show adventure time0- did i say that again, I'm sorry. lol I'm realllyyyy friendly though, i just hate people who call me a faggot because I'm gay. I have traveled to two countries, United states and Canada. love both of those places. i wish sometimes someone could hold me really really close and love me for once. I am always unloved. -sighs-
Favourite Music
almost everything rock
Favourite Films / TV / Books
what i mentioned in about me.
i don't read. lol i know i'm stupid yah.