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Hey, call the angels. This razorblade was meant for me. We Sleep Forever, by Aiden

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Xxsuicidal_angel99xX


25 / Female / Hereford, United States
Not Sure / In a Relationship
Member since: Mar 21, 2016
Last online: Jan 05, 2018

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I'm Gabby, I like meeting new people, but I'm a tad shy. I don't know what else to put here...
Heads up...I'm really, really, really weird...
I can be super shy...uhm....
Meow? I'm a neko!!!! 
Meow, meow, meow!!! 
Hehe, oh...uhm....uhm....uhhhh...... 
I'm down to chat with anyone, and everyone, I don't care what your sexual orientation is, your race, or whatever!!!
I love you all!!!!

Favourite Music

Five Finger Death Punch
Icon for Hire
Foo Fighters
Blood On The Dance floor
Sleeping with Sirens
Asking Alexandria 
Suicide Silence
and many, many more

Favourite Films / TV / Books

I like American Horror story...and Adventure Time...I love, love, love anime! I'll read almost anything...literally...

Education / Occupation

I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life!!!

Who I'd Like To Meet

I wanna meet;
Andy Biersack
Kellin Quinn
Vick Fuentes 
Patty Walters 
Jordan Sweeto

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Apr 26 2016, 01:52 PM
I've entered this world alone, I walking with the only thing by my side is my dog, people have stopped caring and many have left me for dead. All I have in this world is my tiny dog, and God, but even then I think he's given up on me. I've only been alive for 16 years...and....I'm giving up on myself...My dad has clearly stated he's done with me, my mother has simply stood by and watched...and now...I'm only crumbling. I've nothing to live for. This tiny dog is my only friend it seems, and he's never going to leave me...I've been alone...and i'll always be alone.
Mar 24 2016, 01:01 PM
New Best Friend A blade became my new best friend A blade became my end A blade took all my pain away A blade is how I play The stinging pain The blade is my new cocaine The blade is my drug The blade fits snug I fade You, you try to aid The blood is oozing yet what are you doing? Watching as I die You're watching me... Why? The blade is my new best friend The blade is my end I say goodbye you had no reply... The blade is my new best friend and you're watching as I end This blade, was my only friend... This blade, took my end... This is what I must befriend.... This is my final goodbye... I'll see you as I die....
Mar 22 2016, 12:57 PM
This isn't hell anymore This isn't hell anymore, that's what I used to say... Now i'm dreading that, and I'm dreading this day You said you believed me, but it was only a lie Now, I think I'll just curl up and die. This isn't hell anymore, I was right Nor is it heaven, things only in in a fight You brought this upon yourself Now be a good little elf This isn't hell anymore, it's only the beginning It's be beginning to the perfect ending You wish you had a blade? Take mine, everything will fade This isn't hell anymore, it's my end These words cause me to bend I'm breaking My world is shaking This isn't hell anymore... This isn't hell anymore... This isn't...hell...any....more...

Apr 26 2016, 01:52 PM

I've entered this world alone, I walking with the only thing by my side is my dog, people have stopped caring and many have left me for dead. All I have in this world is my tiny dog, and God, but even then I think he's given up on me. I've only been alive for 16 years...and....I'm giving up on myself...My dad has clearly stated he's done with me, my mother has simply stood by and watched...and now...I'm only crumbling. I've nothing to live for. This tiny dog is my only friend it seems, and he's never going to leave me...I've been alone...and i'll always be alone.

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Mar 24 2016, 01:01 PM

New Best Friend A blade became my new best friend A blade became my end A blade took all my pain away A blade is how I play The stinging pain The blade is my new cocaine The blade is my drug The blade fits snug I fade You, you try to aid The blood is oozing yet what are you doing? Watching as I die You're watching me... Why? The blade is my new best friend The blade is my end I say goodbye you had no reply... The blade is my new best friend and you're watching as I end This blade, was my only friend... This blade, took my end... This is what I must befriend.... This is my final goodbye... I'll see you as I die....

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Mar 22 2016, 12:57 PM

This isn't hell anymore This isn't hell anymore, that's what I used to say... Now i'm dreading that, and I'm dreading this day You said you believed me, but it was only a lie Now, I think I'll just curl up and die. This isn't hell anymore, I was right Nor is it heaven, things only in in a fight You brought this upon yourself Now be a good little elf This isn't hell anymore, it's only the beginning It's be beginning to the perfect ending You wish you had a blade? Take mine, everything will fade This isn't hell anymore, it's my end These words cause me to bend I'm breaking My world is shaking This isn't hell anymore... This isn't hell anymore... This isn't...hell...any....more...

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