Angela :)
28 / Female / Los Angeles, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Sep 27, 2013
Last online:
Jul 23, 2014
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About Me
HI . . . :3 I Love You All! <3 emmm... okay Iwould like todescribea little bitabout of my life. yeah...althoughitis notimportantat allto you! butonlydesign! ;) imnot agood girl. Butimtryingtobea goodlook.Sometimes,ifimangry,Ilooklikeadevil!!haha! therefore,be carefulwith me,becauseIcouldbite you!:p xDlie,lie,lie Butthen,afterI wasinconsciousness,Iregret what I didandcry inside.:'( Idk why, but its me!!! *imjust a little girlwhodoesn'tunderstandwhat the adultsdo!xD Haha! Yeah,I'm innocent, but I love it.
im only one child in my family. I dont have younger girl or boy, sister or brother. I always alone at home. Alone to lying on my bed and listen to the music. I love it! ^____^ Ialwaysstayin my room.Irarelygo out of my house,justonce in a whileifthere is a need, , like promise with my friendship, , just like working my homework from my school, , shopping, go to the library, or the other things of it.Thatwasout of necessity. I'm afraid of the sunlight xD like a vampire.haha!But,no,no, imnot avampire or kind of it. Its nothing,but I just fear my skin becoming dark.xPAhahaha!xD Yeah, IknowI talkexcessively.But,itis sometimestruexD cause my skin so sensitive with bright of the sun, So harmful.
*I like meal of snack. I cant live without it. Haha! ice cream, cocholate, or chewing gum. But not eating somefood. I ever eating too much cocholate and then, I get a sick. My throat feeling so paint. I cant eating, singing, amusing or sreaming again!!!Hmmm . . . :/ I hate this sick. I dont wanna sick again.
*I like listen to Avenged Sevenfold!! <3 <3 <3
Favourite Music
Ialwayslisten to music whenIfeeldepressed,anxious, hurtand heartbreak.Myipodhas alwaysbeenby my sidetoaccompanyme.
^^*♥Avenged Sevenfold♥*^^(Most Like^^) ^^*♠Asking Alexandria♠*^^ ^^*♣Alesana♣*^^ ^^*♦♥Pinkly Smooth♥♦*^^ ^^*♦Slipknot♦*^^ ^^*♦System of A Down♦*^^ ^^*♦Metallica♦*^^ ^^*♦Megadeath♦*^^ ^^*♦Dream Theatre♦*^^ ^^*♦Iron Maiden♦*^^ ^^*♦Stone Sour♦*^^ ^^*♦My Chemical Romance♦*^^ ^^*♦Spultura♦*^^
Favourite Films / TV / Books
*Men in Black II
*Vampire King
*Trick or Treat!
*Rosemary Baby
*The Mummy Return
*Friday the 13
*Fredy the Nightmare
*Monster House
*Ghost Rider
*Journey to The Centre Of The Earth
*Breaking Down
*Brave Heart
*A Troy
*Harry Potter
*House of Wax
I like Book ;)
♥ Dracula
♦Tom Sawyer
♦Robin Hood
♦Oliver Twist
-N etc.
Education / Occupation
Who I'd Like To Meet
Iwant to meetallmembers of the AvengedSevenfold band! ♥ZackyVengeance*.*(Myfavoriterhythm guitarplayer) ♥SynysterGates(Myfavorite lead guitarplayer) ♥MattShadows*.*(BestVocalmyfavorite) ♥Johnny Christ (My favorite Basisst) ♥ArinIlejay (My favorite Drummer)