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And as I stared I counted, the webs from all the spiders. Catching things and eating their insides. I Miss You, by Blink-182

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - suicideradiodreamsto


Tameka Polk
34 / Female / illinois, United States
Gay/Lesbian / Single
Member since: Oct 27, 2020
Last online: Jun 14, 2023

Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)

About Me

My name is tameka polk but my middle name is, some thing else to make my name longer than what it is. I hate it, like it, and love it,. Because it do not, look like I would be named it, it is the only name I have it will be loved my way. It look’s like, this tameka patrice polk see how it is it is a ok name live in the united state’s in chicago il...it is a fun place now that I think about it. Do not want it, to go away for any thing because it is way to much, :) to waste and it is not hated in any way. Have dark brown hair, dark brown eye’s, light skinned....not like before, it is without that stuff I pretended. To be from a little, kid to a realizationit in my twentie’s 30 year’s old when I realized it in my twentie’s wipes it off. Because it is just, not me period hate every last inch of it to death. One day know what, this is the next said wait by just, knowing a life length was getting to long. Ha, ha, hate that kind of stuff actually love how life really is. 5’3 in height but around some where some of my height do show taller than I thought :XD,., love to write, dance, relax, sleep, read book’s, sing, finally started singing recently it took to much to get out of my shyness though...love singing better, than dancing, between two talent’s. Singing win’s it is a tie kind of, love the genre of horror, and gore, it may have a few mixed up genre’s, in it every thing else. Still will be rejected, because I only love horror, and gore, nothing can take it place. Meeting new people is, a fun thing to do I guess who would not love it, it give people a chance to. Live life, have fun, and to relax, the fun part is what is loved from me apart of the reason is it give people a chance to relax. Do not have a problem, with it at all this is just apart of what I love about meeting new people, and making friend’s,. After and,
while this happen’s am a nice, friendly, sweet, kind, etc, and caring, person. Already went to school, in the past but to make sure every, thing is perfect want to go back. While acting like, my age because it is just right to do until my age change’s to make me act different in the right way. On other website’s, not only on soemo will tell what kind later not now, it will happen when people is talking to me. And, they will see it later on, on my profile while it is being looked at. Am a emo person, fully like to describe myself...honestly earlier in this about me I forgot to mention it. It is who was writing, this whole entire thing while this section of my profile was, being explained like this. This is only a little, about who I am.

Favourite Music

my favorite kind, of music is emo music, emo rock, screamo, hard rock, heavy metal, death metal, every last emo music genre there is, to where I cannot come back. What was said, in the beginning is only some of what I listen to. 
Only, 10 music artist’s. This is not, a playlist’s..still my about me.

1. kittie,
2. avril lavigne,
3. automatic loveletter,
4. call atlantis,
5. meg & dia,
6. eye’s set to kill,
7.  paramore,
8. avenged sevenfold,
9. now, now,
10. fire flight,.
about, me end’s now.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

emo cartoon’s,
adult emo tv show’s,
emo tv brand’s, like disney, nickelodeon, etc, cartoon network, and the whole entire cartoon section of what emo people watch. This do not, come first yet every one love the cartoon section including me but I am a person who go by age. While knowing what she love, am a themed person only and I watch what ever is good on tv.
Only the genre of horror, and gore, come first 😁 before any thing else. The mix up, genre’s in horror like. Horror, and gore, horror, and mystery, horror, and thriller, horror, and suspense, horror, and romance, and horror,. What ever is in my, favorite genre of horror they come afterward’s.
Any thing paranormal,
kid book’s,
teen book’s,
young adult book’s,
and it is it.

Education / Occupation

High school, only there is no collage to go to by myself, and what life said’s,.

Who I'd Like To Meet

Only want to meet people, who I know about, only people who go to just high school there is no collage for people. Which is a relief, do not have to worry about going to extra school people can relax through life. Just a person, who is high school only. Been found, out along time ago did not believe it at first looked into it then believed it by looking around, and looking it up, after it was believed then continued to do what is right. There is to, many more kind of people I want to meet emo people in. Emo subculture is one, beside’s the one’s who was mentioned in this box, band artist’s is another one not any gothic band, artist’s right now..:) because of me, and life, other emo people in other emo subculture’s, and people who is my kind,.

Comments (Add Comment)

Nov 03 2020, 05:42 AM
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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 29 2020, 08:01 AM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 28 2020, 10:51 AM
Heya suicideradiodreamsto welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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Jun 14 2023, 03:51 AM

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