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Shout, shout, let it all out. These are the things I can do without. Come on. I'm talking to you. Come on. Shout, by Tears for Fears

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - bvbsoldier

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Raven Vampir
23 / Nonbinary / California, United States
Pansexual / Married
Member since: Nov 30, 2016
Last online: Feb 16, 2025

Current rating: 7.3/10 (13 votes cast)

About Me

23 year old nonbinary. Married. Very obviously 18+. MDNI

Favourite Music

Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil(I have that bracelet for a reason), Twenty-One Pilots, Beneath The Spin Light, Drama Club,etc.(can't think of anymore at the moment).

Favourite Films / TV / Books

The Walking Dead

Lion King

Education / Occupation

college drop out

Who I'd Like To Meet

Other rockin' outcasts out there! What's up?!

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Sep 03 2023, 07:07 PM

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Jun 27 2022, 10:03 PM

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Feb 16 2025, 06:08 AM

Time for healing update.

Last night, I was able to watch three videos about making a webcomic: one about character creation, one about the basics of making a webcomic, and the last about promoting and monetizing the comic. I also worked on the line art for an art piece I'm making for my husband for his Valentine's Day gift. I did the basic sketch for it yesterday before bed. It took a minute and I scrapped the original sketch because I couldn't get the poses right.

Feb 15 2025, 01:59 PM

I've begun my healing journey. For the past week or so I've been feeling depressed, anxious, angry and burnt out. I think it's a mix of juggling multiple different responsibilities at work, coming home to immediately start recording content, and taking care of Blue (my ferret). Not only that, but since December I've been doing guest lives on TikTok. It first started with just speaking on a now close friend's lives. Then, I started adding more and more and now I occasionally make guest appearances on one of my favorite goth influencer's lives. I've also started doing my own lives!

It's gotten to the point that whenever I logged onto TikTok that was all I was doing. From the second I wake up to the second I go to bed I was getting messages like, "XYZ, invites you to their lives" or XYZ, invites you to join as guest!" Yes, I would wake up to these messages!

For over a month, I was being pulled left and right doing these lives. So, the other day I decided I needed a break. I texted both of my close friends (including the aforementioned influencer) and the Discord group chat I have with a few other girls I met from his lives, telling them I would be gone for a few days to work on my mental health. I also messaged my TikTok family's Discord server and loosely explained to the founder that I would be gone. I also explained to my friends that I did not want to be messaged and if anyone did message me that I would not be held responsible if I exploded on them. Fortunately, they all understood and assured me they would give me my space and tell others that I would be gone and to not message me.

Originally, I wanted yesterday to be my last day of just scrolling on TikTok but since I called into work I decided to just start. I turned off both of my friends (yes, I have two) and handed them to my husband, asking him to put them somewhere until Monday, explaining that I needed a break from them. It's gonna be difficult since they're practically superglued to my hands and I'm so social media obsessed, but it's necessary.

This weekend I just wanna focus on myself, my husband and our pets. The only time I will ever use a screen is to learn about things I wanna do (making a webcomic, vtubing, content creation), watching YouTube channels I enjoy (Hazbin Hotel VRChat), planning and working on my comic, reading on Webtoons, watching tv (by myself or with my husband), and checking my lesser known socials (such as here).

Other than that, I just wanna work on my artwork, practice drawing, get back into my games, read and continue learning about Wicca. Over the weekend I will be detailing my journey on here, a couple of my other socials, and in my physical diary.

Nov 16 2024, 04:55 PM

I cant even explain how much i love Gir from invader zim. hes so silly & adorable. hes me fr

Sep 11 2024, 05:48 AM

R.I.P. to the myth, the legend: James Earl Jones. I'm currently rewatching The Lion King in remembrance of him. This movie has been one of my favorites since I was a child with James Earl Jones' voice being my favorite. Long live the king! 

Jan 03 2024, 03:41 PM

My 2024 so Far

My 2024 so far has been meh.

I got sick the day my fiance and I came back from his parents' after Christmas and it's still killing me. This is the second time in 1 month I've gotten the flu! I first got it from the end of November-middle-ish of December. I'm so blaming my fiance's nephew for this. He was sick on Christmas. I really should've gotten the flu shot last month! Dammit!

Anyway, I was hoping to watch the ball drop in Times Square on New Year's Eve but guess what! I FELL ASLEEP! I ended up sleeping through the ball drop and the first HOUR of the new year! All because of this damn flu! And if that wasn't bad enough I had to work New Year's Day, too! The buses weren't running because it was a holiday so my fiance had to ask a coworker if they could give us a ride to work. I was also running on only 4 hours of sleep. I tried to go to sleep early so I could wake up with enough time to eat breakfast and get ready for work. Well that happened but it wasn't a good thing. I slept from 8am-12pm! How I didn't have a seizure at work from that little sleep is beyond me. But I did nap during my first 15 minute break so. 

At least something good came out of working New Year's Day: I got a promotion (if you wanna call it that). The new overnight manager had started work with us that night and I guess during his training period he had been talking with the store manager about adding a new section to the recovery team. Recovery team basically ensures that their section is stocked and neat every night. Before there were two sections in Recovery team: Lumber (my fiance's section) and Garden. After my new manager and the store manager talked they added a new section: Event. The event section spans the entire front of the store and that's where we put our seasonal items (Halloween, Chirstmas, etc.).

During our work meeting (where the manager divides us into our different sections) the nightly truck manager told me to stay back because he and the new manager had a "special project" for me. I was both curious and nervous and it didn't help that some people looked at me like "why is she getting a special project?" WTF! My fiance also looked at me but his face said more "I wonder what this is about?"

After the meeting, both managers walked me over to our Christmas items (cue even more confusion but less nervousness [because pretty lights]) and the overnight manager stepped forward and explained everything to me. He said he started a new Event Recovery section (with the store manager's approval) and he explained the role of the job. After he explained everything he then asked me if I was interested in the position and I accepted. After I accepted he gave me my task for the night which was to take items from the shelves on one side and move them into the shelves on the other side so we can make room for the mowers and other lawn equipment that had started coming in. I started doing what I could but it could take a few days. I mean, shit, I'm fitting 4 shelves of stuff into 2 shelves. I think I can do it though, especially if some more stuff sells out by the time I get in tonight.

In other news, I got the day off yesterday. To be fair I did request it off because it was Blue's (my ferret) birthday yesterday but I would've gotten a day of this week regardless because the store is cutting down hours. I'll still get 40 hours of pay because I got holiday pay for New Year's.

Anyway, I really hope I can get better soon and do really good at my new position at work! Wish me luck!

Dec 16 2023, 03:14 AM

Letter to Wildbiel

Dear Wildbiel, 

I would suggest having an ACTUAL profile and educating yourself before you come into my DMs being a racist sack of shit. I would also suggest looking through my journal to realize just who I am. I don't take shit lying down. 

But you won't be able to do that last one because you will be promptly reported and blocked. 

With pettiness, 


Dec 11 2023, 06:42 PM

Letter to Allthatbeyond

Dear allthatbeyond,

You came into my dm's trying to say I look like I stink, but it's your breath that stinks with all that shit you're talking.

Maybe show yourself before you start trying to go after someone else's appearance, okay?

With pettiness,


Dec 11 2023, 05:42 PM

Fiancé's Birthday

Yesterday was my fiancé's birthday, he's 34 now!

We did go to Benihana last night. Originally, I wasn't sure if I should go because I wasn't feeling too well, but my fiancé managed to convince and I'm glad he did. But, DAMN, was it FANCY!

We took public transportation part of the way to the restaurant and then we had to walk the rest of the way and I, of course, took photos of all the pretty Christmas lights on the way (photos posted on my Instagram). I haven't been to the downtown area of the city, especially not during the winter time, despite living here for almost five years. But that's not surprising since my "mom" would not let me go anywhere besides school and work.

When we got in the restaurant I immediately saw a big statue of a calico kitty cat encased in glass. It was super cute I had to take a photo!

We were a bit early so we sat down in the lobby until everyone else arrived and it was time for our reservation. I was curious if the walls had any decor, so I looked back at the wall behind and there were photos of CELEBRITIES that have eaten there before! I'm talking Michael Jackson, Jackie Chan, Shaquille O'Neal and so many others!

Once everyone else arrived and it was time for our reservation, we walked up some stairs to the second floor. We walked up to a large table with a grill fixed into it, which made sense since it was a hibachi restaurant. We sat down and ordered some drinks. After some time we ordered our food, I got two kinds of shrimp sushi rolls.

Before we got our food the waitress brought out some onion soup and salads, both tasted pretty good. My fiancé's son was the first one to get his food since he ordered chicken tenders. It was a minute before the sushi came out and even longer for everyone else to get their food.

My fiancé and some others ordered off the hibachi menu so they had to wait for the chef to come and make it. And, OMG, when they did I was so MESMERIZED that I didn't even touch my sushi, all I did was drink my grape Ramune. I mean, the tricks the chef did were amazing and the onion volcano was so awesome!

Before we ordered our drinks me, my fiancé's mother, sister and son told the waitress it was his birthday so he got a free scope of ice cream (hehe, pay back for my birthday). My fiancé's son, nephew, sister and I also got ice cream (I got rainbow sherbet). When the waitress came out with the ice cream she also had a tambourine with her and she played it while we sang Happy Birthday to my fiancé.

After we were done with our ice cream, my fiancé's "uncle" (he was my fiancé's uncle through marriage but he ended up divorcing my fiancé's aunt) took us home. All in all it was an awesome time. When we got home, we took a nap and few hours after we woke up we went out with my fiancé's new telescope and looked for planets. We found Uranus and I managed to find Orion the Hunter without realizing it (I forgot three stars in a line made up Orion's Belt). We tried to use Orion's Belt to find Saturn but the telescope couldn't point straight up so we couldn't look for it, but we still had fun (even though it was freezing).

Anyway, I'm so glad my fiancé enjoyed his birthday and that I was there to celebrate with him.

Dec 10 2023, 05:14 PM

Shitty Coworkers & Good News

Ugh, one of my coworkers is getting on my last nerve! They are sooo lucky I'm slow to anger!

In case you didn't know (or you forgot) I work at a home improvement store overnight. So I was in the back throwing away some cardboard with another coworker. The baler was full so we had to crush the cardboard down. As my chill coworker was closing the door to the baler, a piece of cardboard fell and got caught under the door. So I had to have her open the door a bit so I could push it back in and the door can close all the way.

Well, my asshole coworker's attitude having ass was back there throwing trash away. ALL he saw was me pulling my hand out so my chill coworker can close the door and start the machine. Yet, they still had the NERVE to say, "you don't want to stick your fingers in the baler. That's not a good idea."

This SAME COWORKER put GLASS PLATES in the baler and then wanted to have an attitude with MY FIANCE when he asked them about it!

ME putting MY hand in the baler to push a piece of cardboard back in so the baler can start is only harmful towards ME. THEM putting GLASS PLATES in the baler because THEY WEREN'T PAYING ATTENTION is harmful towards OTHERS. They REALLY need to learn how to keep their mouth SHUT!

In other news, today is my fiance's birthday. He's 34 and we are going to a Japanese steak and sushi  place called Benihanas with is family tonight. I really hope he enjoys himself.

Dec 05 2023, 05:59 PM

My Fiance & I Finally Set Our Wedding Date

My fiance and I went out for breakfast with our former boss (let's call her S) on Sunday. We took the time to catch up and spill some workplace tea.

As we were talking, S asked if we had set a date for our wedding. We hadn't but we know we want it in the summer. As S was asking questions, trying to help us figure out a date, I was looking in my Google calendar to find a date.

Originally, I wanted it to be in June but that didn't work. S tried to suggest May but 1) that's still spring and 2) the dates she was looking at were too close to my fiance's son's birthday. We then looked at July and chose July 13th as our wedding day.

After we set a date for the wedding, S helped me set a date to go wedding dress shopping. Since I don't want a big, fancy, froufrou wedding dress we decided it would best to go to a store like JCPenney or Macy's for a nice prom gown that can be used as a wedding dress. Since we will be looking for a prom dress we decided the best time to go would be either January or February. I felt like January would be too soon and besides S would be out of the town for most of the month. So we decided our best bet would be February. We looked through the calendar (again) and decided February 10th would be our shopping date. We extended an invite to one of my old coworkers so she will be going. We've also started a group chat with the three of us. Of course, I will extend invites to my fiance's mother and sister, as well as, my new coworker at work that I've gotten to be great friends with.

Another thing we got settled during our breakfast together was the cake. My fiance and I never knew S made wedding cakes. She offered to bake our cake as a wedding gift to us and we accepted. We looked through photos of past cakes she made and selected the one we liked and made some changes that would fit our wedding. The cake is a 2 tier white cake with flowers and ribbon. Since I wanted the wedding colors to be red and pink to represent mine and my fiance's favorite colors (red for me and pink for him) we are changing the flowers to red roses and some sort of small pink flower and the ribbon is being changed to pink. I chose roses for a very specific reason. My grandmother, who raised me, had a beautiful small rose garden in the front of the house I grew up in. Not only that but my older brother, who passed at a young age, was born in April and the April flower is the rose. I chose roses so that I can feel like my grandmother and brother are there with me on mine and my fiance's special day.

Well, that's that. Date: set. Shopping date: set. Cake: being taken care of. I will make more posts updating the plans for our wedding as they happen. Yay!

Feb 16 2025, 06:08 AM

Time for healing update.

Last night, I was able to watch three videos about making a webcomic: one about character creation, one about the basics of making a webcomic, and the last about promoting and monetizing the comic. I also worked on the line art for an art piece I'm making for my husband for his Valentine's Day gift. I did the basic sketch for it yesterday before bed. It took a minute and I scrapped the original sketch because I couldn't get the poses right.

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Feb 15 2025, 01:59 PM

I've begun my healing journey. For the past week or so I've been feeling depressed, anxious, angry and burnt out. I think it's a mix of juggling multiple different responsibilities at work, coming home to immediately start recording content, and taking care of Blue (my ferret). Not only that, but since December I've been doing guest lives on TikTok. It first started with just speaking on a now close friend's lives. Then, I started adding more and more and now I occasionally make guest appearances on one of my favorite goth influencer's lives. I've also started doing my own lives!

It's gotten to the point that whenever I logged onto TikTok that was all I was doing. From the second I wake up to the second I go to bed I was getting messages like, "XYZ, invites you to their lives" or XYZ, invites you to join as guest!" Yes, I would wake up to these messages!

For over a month, I was being pulled left and right doing these lives. So, the other day I decided I needed a break. I texted both of my close friends (including the aforementioned influencer) and the Discord group chat I have with a few other girls I met from his lives, telling them I would be gone for a few days to work on my mental health. I also messaged my TikTok family's Discord server and loosely explained to the founder that I would be gone. I also explained to my friends that I did not want to be messaged and if anyone did message me that I would not be held responsible if I exploded on them. Fortunately, they all understood and assured me they would give me my space and tell others that I would be gone and to not message me.

Originally, I wanted yesterday to be my last day of just scrolling on TikTok but since I called into work I decided to just start. I turned off both of my friends (yes, I have two) and handed them to my husband, asking him to put them somewhere until Monday, explaining that I needed a break from them. It's gonna be difficult since they're practically superglued to my hands and I'm so social media obsessed, but it's necessary.

This weekend I just wanna focus on myself, my husband and our pets. The only time I will ever use a screen is to learn about things I wanna do (making a webcomic, vtubing, content creation), watching YouTube channels I enjoy (Hazbin Hotel VRChat), planning and working on my comic, reading on Webtoons, watching tv (by myself or with my husband), and checking my lesser known socials (such as here).

Other than that, I just wanna work on my artwork, practice drawing, get back into my games, read and continue learning about Wicca. Over the weekend I will be detailing my journey on here, a couple of my other socials, and in my physical diary.

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Nov 16 2024, 04:55 PM

I cant even explain how much i love Gir from invader zim. hes so silly & adorable. hes me fr

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Sep 11 2024, 05:48 AM

R.I.P. to the myth, the legend: James Earl Jones. I'm currently rewatching The Lion King in remembrance of him. This movie has been one of my favorites since I was a child with James Earl Jones' voice being my favorite. Long live the king! 

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Jan 03 2024, 03:41 PM

My 2024 so Far

My 2024 so far has been meh.

I got sick the day my fiance and I came back from his parents' after Christmas and it's still killing me. This is the second time in 1 month I've gotten the flu! I first got it from the end of November-middle-ish of December. I'm so blaming my fiance's nephew for this. He was sick on Christmas. I really should've gotten the flu shot last month! Dammit!

Anyway, I was hoping to watch the ball drop in Times Square on New Year's Eve but guess what! I FELL ASLEEP! I ended up sleeping through the ball drop and the first HOUR of the new year! All because of this damn flu! And if that wasn't bad enough I had to work New Year's Day, too! The buses weren't running because it was a holiday so my fiance had to ask a coworker if they could give us a ride to work. I was also running on only 4 hours of sleep. I tried to go to sleep early so I could wake up with enough time to eat breakfast and get ready for work. Well that happened but it wasn't a good thing. I slept from 8am-12pm! How I didn't have a seizure at work from that little sleep is beyond me. But I did nap during my first 15 minute break so. 

At least something good came out of working New Year's Day: I got a promotion (if you wanna call it that). The new overnight manager had started work with us that night and I guess during his training period he had been talking with the store manager about adding a new section to the recovery team. Recovery team basically ensures that their section is stocked and neat every night. Before there were two sections in Recovery team: Lumber (my fiance's section) and Garden. After my new manager and the store manager talked they added a new section: Event. The event section spans the entire front of the store and that's where we put our seasonal items (Halloween, Chirstmas, etc.).

During our work meeting (where the manager divides us into our different sections) the nightly truck manager told me to stay back because he and the new manager had a "special project" for me. I was both curious and nervous and it didn't help that some people looked at me like "why is she getting a special project?" WTF! My fiance also looked at me but his face said more "I wonder what this is about?"

After the meeting, both managers walked me over to our Christmas items (cue even more confusion but less nervousness [because pretty lights]) and the overnight manager stepped forward and explained everything to me. He said he started a new Event Recovery section (with the store manager's approval) and he explained the role of the job. After he explained everything he then asked me if I was interested in the position and I accepted. After I accepted he gave me my task for the night which was to take items from the shelves on one side and move them into the shelves on the other side so we can make room for the mowers and other lawn equipment that had started coming in. I started doing what I could but it could take a few days. I mean, shit, I'm fitting 4 shelves of stuff into 2 shelves. I think I can do it though, especially if some more stuff sells out by the time I get in tonight.

In other news, I got the day off yesterday. To be fair I did request it off because it was Blue's (my ferret) birthday yesterday but I would've gotten a day of this week regardless because the store is cutting down hours. I'll still get 40 hours of pay because I got holiday pay for New Year's.

Anyway, I really hope I can get better soon and do really good at my new position at work! Wish me luck!

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Dec 16 2023, 03:14 AM

Letter to Wildbiel

Dear Wildbiel, 

I would suggest having an ACTUAL profile and educating yourself before you come into my DMs being a racist sack of shit. I would also suggest looking through my journal to realize just who I am. I don't take shit lying down. 

But you won't be able to do that last one because you will be promptly reported and blocked. 

With pettiness, 


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Dec 11 2023, 06:42 PM

Letter to Allthatbeyond

Dear allthatbeyond,

You came into my dm's trying to say I look like I stink, but it's your breath that stinks with all that shit you're talking.

Maybe show yourself before you start trying to go after someone else's appearance, okay?

With pettiness,


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Dec 11 2023, 05:42 PM

Fiancé's Birthday

Yesterday was my fiancé's birthday, he's 34 now!

We did go to Benihana last night. Originally, I wasn't sure if I should go because I wasn't feeling too well, but my fiancé managed to convince and I'm glad he did. But, DAMN, was it FANCY!

We took public transportation part of the way to the restaurant and then we had to walk the rest of the way and I, of course, took photos of all the pretty Christmas lights on the way (photos posted on my Instagram). I haven't been to the downtown area of the city, especially not during the winter time, despite living here for almost five years. But that's not surprising since my "mom" would not let me go anywhere besides school and work.

When we got in the restaurant I immediately saw a big statue of a calico kitty cat encased in glass. It was super cute I had to take a photo!

We were a bit early so we sat down in the lobby until everyone else arrived and it was time for our reservation. I was curious if the walls had any decor, so I looked back at the wall behind and there were photos of CELEBRITIES that have eaten there before! I'm talking Michael Jackson, Jackie Chan, Shaquille O'Neal and so many others!

Once everyone else arrived and it was time for our reservation, we walked up some stairs to the second floor. We walked up to a large table with a grill fixed into it, which made sense since it was a hibachi restaurant. We sat down and ordered some drinks. After some time we ordered our food, I got two kinds of shrimp sushi rolls.

Before we got our food the waitress brought out some onion soup and salads, both tasted pretty good. My fiancé's son was the first one to get his food since he ordered chicken tenders. It was a minute before the sushi came out and even longer for everyone else to get their food.

My fiancé and some others ordered off the hibachi menu so they had to wait for the chef to come and make it. And, OMG, when they did I was so MESMERIZED that I didn't even touch my sushi, all I did was drink my grape Ramune. I mean, the tricks the chef did were amazing and the onion volcano was so awesome!

Before we ordered our drinks me, my fiancé's mother, sister and son told the waitress it was his birthday so he got a free scope of ice cream (hehe, pay back for my birthday). My fiancé's son, nephew, sister and I also got ice cream (I got rainbow sherbet). When the waitress came out with the ice cream she also had a tambourine with her and she played it while we sang Happy Birthday to my fiancé.

After we were done with our ice cream, my fiancé's "uncle" (he was my fiancé's uncle through marriage but he ended up divorcing my fiancé's aunt) took us home. All in all it was an awesome time. When we got home, we took a nap and few hours after we woke up we went out with my fiancé's new telescope and looked for planets. We found Uranus and I managed to find Orion the Hunter without realizing it (I forgot three stars in a line made up Orion's Belt). We tried to use Orion's Belt to find Saturn but the telescope couldn't point straight up so we couldn't look for it, but we still had fun (even though it was freezing).

Anyway, I'm so glad my fiancé enjoyed his birthday and that I was there to celebrate with him.

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Dec 10 2023, 05:14 PM

Shitty Coworkers & Good News

Ugh, one of my coworkers is getting on my last nerve! They are sooo lucky I'm slow to anger!

In case you didn't know (or you forgot) I work at a home improvement store overnight. So I was in the back throwing away some cardboard with another coworker. The baler was full so we had to crush the cardboard down. As my chill coworker was closing the door to the baler, a piece of cardboard fell and got caught under the door. So I had to have her open the door a bit so I could push it back in and the door can close all the way.

Well, my asshole coworker's attitude having ass was back there throwing trash away. ALL he saw was me pulling my hand out so my chill coworker can close the door and start the machine. Yet, they still had the NERVE to say, "you don't want to stick your fingers in the baler. That's not a good idea."

This SAME COWORKER put GLASS PLATES in the baler and then wanted to have an attitude with MY FIANCE when he asked them about it!

ME putting MY hand in the baler to push a piece of cardboard back in so the baler can start is only harmful towards ME. THEM putting GLASS PLATES in the baler because THEY WEREN'T PAYING ATTENTION is harmful towards OTHERS. They REALLY need to learn how to keep their mouth SHUT!

In other news, today is my fiance's birthday. He's 34 and we are going to a Japanese steak and sushi  place called Benihanas with is family tonight. I really hope he enjoys himself.

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Dec 05 2023, 05:59 PM

My Fiance & I Finally Set Our Wedding Date

My fiance and I went out for breakfast with our former boss (let's call her S) on Sunday. We took the time to catch up and spill some workplace tea.

As we were talking, S asked if we had set a date for our wedding. We hadn't but we know we want it in the summer. As S was asking questions, trying to help us figure out a date, I was looking in my Google calendar to find a date.

Originally, I wanted it to be in June but that didn't work. S tried to suggest May but 1) that's still spring and 2) the dates she was looking at were too close to my fiance's son's birthday. We then looked at July and chose July 13th as our wedding day.

After we set a date for the wedding, S helped me set a date to go wedding dress shopping. Since I don't want a big, fancy, froufrou wedding dress we decided it would best to go to a store like JCPenney or Macy's for a nice prom gown that can be used as a wedding dress. Since we will be looking for a prom dress we decided the best time to go would be either January or February. I felt like January would be too soon and besides S would be out of the town for most of the month. So we decided our best bet would be February. We looked through the calendar (again) and decided February 10th would be our shopping date. We extended an invite to one of my old coworkers so she will be going. We've also started a group chat with the three of us. Of course, I will extend invites to my fiance's mother and sister, as well as, my new coworker at work that I've gotten to be great friends with.

Another thing we got settled during our breakfast together was the cake. My fiance and I never knew S made wedding cakes. She offered to bake our cake as a wedding gift to us and we accepted. We looked through photos of past cakes she made and selected the one we liked and made some changes that would fit our wedding. The cake is a 2 tier white cake with flowers and ribbon. Since I wanted the wedding colors to be red and pink to represent mine and my fiance's favorite colors (red for me and pink for him) we are changing the flowers to red roses and some sort of small pink flower and the ribbon is being changed to pink. I chose roses for a very specific reason. My grandmother, who raised me, had a beautiful small rose garden in the front of the house I grew up in. Not only that but my older brother, who passed at a young age, was born in April and the April flower is the rose. I chose roses so that I can feel like my grandmother and brother are there with me on mine and my fiance's special day.

Well, that's that. Date: set. Shopping date: set. Cake: being taken care of. I will make more posts updating the plans for our wedding as they happen. Yay!

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