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Love is nothing but bullshit,hate is life. I love HATEING you, by Jennifer Bray

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xxxoutcast_lifexx
Posts: 84
I think they're gone .. Jan 15 2015, 11:42 AM
Basically, this has been bothering me forever and nobody knows. I've always gotten too attached to people and that's one of my flaws. However, about a month ago i met someone on the internet ( i know what they look like and they're around my age). I ended up really caring for them and they had the same with me. However their parents found out about their suicidal attempts so now they are seing a counsellor. They said they would talk to me as soon as possible but from what i know they don't really like counselling. They wern't allowed to talk to me until the counselling started to work and their mental state gets better. I don't know if i'll ever talk to them again. It's seriously been so long and i feel that with every day a part of me dies knowing that it's been even longer since i heard from them. It hurts


Emo Pictures - EyeWings
Posts: 287
Jan 19 2015, 04:04 PM
Hi Outcast. This is such a difficult situation and I think its a real shame that both of you have lost contact especially since knowing one another could actually aide your friend get better and make discussing the counselling sessions an easier experience. I don't see attatchment as a flaw of your part at all, it is natural to feel a sense of loss if you lose contact with someone who makes you happy, so please try not to feel that way. It could be that your friend is still under the duress of their parents and not able to get into contact with you even if they would like to, so please try not to take it personally. Sometimes, friends do move on of their own accord, its not always that they don't care but life and situations change and it sometimes means they have less time to catch up, if they are going through a tough time, it could also be they dont feel like speaking at the moment.Regrettably this means sometimes we do have to move on and make new friends. It can be extremely hard to do so and we may never stop caring about the friend we have lost, but your friendship and caring can be better spent making new friends than pining for the one you've lost and making yourself feel bad in the process. The best thing I think, is to leave it open, say to them you hope things are getting better for them and that if they ever feel like talking then you would love to catch up. That way you can move on, but leave it on a hopeful note in case they want to get in touch in the future. I really hope you are reunited soon, and again never feel you are wrong for caring, the best types of friends are the ones that care enough to miss you. Take Care.
Emo Pictures - xxxoutcast_lifexx
Posts: 84
Jan 21 2015, 06:59 AM
Hi EyeWings. I just got a message from them yesterday so it turns out they still care about keeping in contact and they haven't forgotten what i call our "friendship". Thank you for your advice and i think your 100% right. Sometimes letting go doesn't mean your weak it just means your able to move on. In this case i don't think i'll have to though. That's lucky
Emo Pictures - EyeWings
Posts: 287
Jan 22 2015, 02:07 PM
So pleased to hear things worked out for you and your friend! :-)

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