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Cause I can't save you, I can't take away your pain, I can't love you like she loves you, I can't make everything okay . . . I'm Not A Hero, by Liars Hands

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 18
Is it okay to cut if it is not on my arms ? Sep 19 2015, 10:33 PM
I mean... Nobody will see cuts on legs, and it can't kill someone to have cuts on legs... I don't see what's wrong with this... Just wondering


Emo Pictures - Undead_Nightmare
Posts: 824
Sep 19 2015, 11:21 PM
There are still many things wrong with cutting on your legs! 1. You may still cut too deep and need medical attention, ex. stitches and/or glue 2. Infection! The chance of infection can be higher due to many of us wearing tight-fitting jeans. Tight jeans rub fresh cuts, they open, bacteria gets in. It's that simple. 3. Scars! You may think nobody will see cuts, but what if sometime in the future you want to wear a swim suit? Or shorts? A dress? Scars are embarrassing and they'll take over every outfit and event of your life until the day they fade. If they ever fade. 4. You are still harming yourself. You're still tearing your own skin apart. It doesn't matter who sees or where it is. If you're putting a blade to your skin and slicing it, it is still a bad thing and you still need help. That's just a few things off the top of my head, but I can assure you there are many, many more things wrong with cutting, even if it's where nobody will see. There are many posts on the forum about SH recovery. I suggest you take a look when you decide you're ready to stop.
Emo Pictures - xChasingRainbowsx
Posts: 165
Sep 20 2015, 12:06 AM
It's never okay to cut.All i have to say
Posts: 13
Sep 20 2015, 01:35 AM
its ok .but i prefer to cut arms
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Sep 20 2015, 02:37 AM
No cutting is still horrible. I used to do it but it's still dangerous and bad no matter where you do it
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Sep 20 2015, 02:38 AM
plus the leg scars have a harder time if healing
Emo Pictures - xDeadintheDirtx
Posts: 362
Sep 20 2015, 05:38 AM
All cutting is bad no matter where you do it,find other less harmful ways to deal with things,like drawing where you would cut with a marker,or popping a rubber band on your arm,mainly though,don't destroy your body,its the most beautiful thing you could ever be given in this life.
Emo Pictures - Arkaine
Posts: 21
Sep 20 2015, 07:27 PM
If you need pain, there are other options, that are much less harmful and way more effective. I found out one that works really good (although I don't need it), a few days ago: Buy Blair's Ultra Death Sauce. That may sound funny at first, but I'm dead serious. Blair's Ultra Death is 900 times hotter than jalapeno chillis (which already are pretty hot). Just take a toothpick and dip it inside the sauce, then sweep it once over your tongue. This stuff is so extremely hot, it really hurts and burns like hell. I'm talking from experience. I bought one bottle this Friday and every time I taste it, it simply burns like hell. If that doesn't hurt enough, try to take 2-4 toothpicks, but don't be a fool and try to eat something like a tablespoon! This sauce is really hot shit, even for people, that are used to hot stuff. Just to give you a brief overview: Pepperoni have a scoville value of 100-500. Tabasco has one of 2.500-5.000 and Blair's Ultra Death Sauce has one of 800.000. This will really burn your throat if you misuse it! But back to topic: Tasting a really burning hot sauce like this distracts you from any urge of cutting, my friend :>
Emo Pictures - Kyleblackrose1313
Posts: 175
Sep 21 2015, 07:09 PM
meh seems weak ^ But no cutting i know i did it to i am officially 2 months clean... it will be hard but it is worth it... people will tell you many ideas but you just have to find what works for you.... experiment with safer alternatives you have support from me and lots of others on this site... just look above me! if you are struggling reach out to one of us we can help you get past the urge and so you can get through the day!
Emo Pictures - Arkaine
Posts: 21
Sep 22 2015, 07:29 AM
Kyle, did you mean the sauce? Tell you what: I usually only eat spicy stuff. Every meal of mine has some habaneros in it or at least some really spicy sauce (not some softie stuff like Tabasco). I even went to Ceylon with my father and ate the hot curry there which is almost undigestable by western stomaches. Still it doesn't come close to Blair's Ultra Death ;D And as an alternative method for pain relief it should work on the average ;)
Posts: 23
Sep 28 2015, 04:08 PM
hell no, its never ok to cut
Emo Pictures - kelsinkaaa
Posts: 49
Sep 29 2015, 07:03 PM
Cutting is cutting, no matter how small the cut is or where you placed it. If you feel the need to do this kind of stuff you really should go into therapy. I know it sounds cliché, but I'm telling you out of experience. I used to cut regularly during a period of about 2 years and it completely destroyed me, my friends and my family. When my mother found out she cried for hours. I went into therapy and my psychologist told me they could've put me into a mental hospital. Cutting (and any other form of self-harm, I'm looking at you Arkaine) is a serious mental issue and it should not be seen as "okay" simply because no one can see it. If you need help you can always message me, I can't stress this enough. Good luck
Posts: 10
Oct 04 2015, 03:29 PM
Honestly theres not much physically wrong with cutting, as long as you use a clean object to do it (NEVERRR use something rusty) and don't cut too deep. But the emotional damage is the bad part. Self-inflicted harm is addictive and it's important to try not to because the emotional pain will just get even worse, you only feel better temporarily. I cut too babe so don't feel like you're alone *hugs through screen* please kik me if you want to talk! my kik is the same as my username on here
Posts: 2
Dec 04 2015, 11:41 AM
no its not okay , like everyone else's saying . when you do that, you're giving up your power, control over your own lovely self . Live like there's no tomorrow and have no regrets like no such thing as yesterday .
Emo Pictures - LunaAndNyx
Posts: 11
Feb 02 2016, 06:41 AM
:3 You have three arteries in each leg. Well, more like 1 that spreads from groin to calf. That means if you go even slightly too deep you have a risk of bleeding out.
Emo Pictures - Dead_Princess
Posts: 24
Feb 27 2016, 08:57 PM
In my opinion, cutting on your legs isn't the end of the world, sometimes you just need a release right.. it makes other people feel like poo when they see cuts cause they think they've failed you or you're unhappy with your life and you want to end it, even though half the time that's not the case. Honestly, I still do cut my legs cause I know no one will see it and I know a small cut isn't going to kill me, its just going to calm me down. I'm not saying it's okay to do but I am saying I get it, some people understand, and others won't.. Most coping strategies you hear about don't work for half of people out there, its a complicated and tender issue and some people don't get out of the habit of cutting or feeling the need to cut for a long time, being told it wrong and you shouldn't do it is wrong in its self but I personally do think it is just a way of coping and getting through life. Lets face it, life's no picnic.....
Posts: 54
Feb 28 2016, 06:03 AM
Seems this person deleted their account by the way

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