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My legs are dangling off the edge The bottom of a bottle is my only friend I think I'll slit my wrist again and I'm Gone, gone, gone, gone Bullet, by Hollywood Undead

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Undead_Nightmare
Posts: 824
well this is an unusual problem… Mar 24 2016, 11:02 PM
Hey everyone! It's actually been a while since I've posted on hereā€¦ So I've never been much of an eater. In recent months that's actually been getting better and I'm eating more now than when I was living at home. Which is a good thing. I needed to start eating more. My problem, however is that since around December, I've been losing a LOT of weight, and losing it fast. Don't get me wrong, at the beginning I was quite heavy despite my eating habits and could stand to lose a few pounds. But this is no longer funny, nor is it healthy at all. And no matter how much I've been trying to gain or at least maintain some weight, it is still melting away.. It's now gotten to the point where a lot of people are worried about me, and I'm starting to worry, hence why I'm asking for advice on this. If anyone has any advice on how to actually gain some weight and maintain it, that would be super helpful. I know this is a much harder question than if I were asking for advice on fitness or losing weight so if the most any of you have is your own experiences that would also be helpful XD Thanks in advance for any help you people can offer with this


Emo Pictures - fallentoashes
Posts: 120
Mar 25 2016, 01:19 AM
First, I would recommend seeing a doctor if possible. There may be something wrong with your thyroid. Also, try adding nutrition shakes, like Boost or Ensure with a meal or snack.
Emo Pictures - beachkid
Posts: 12
Mar 25 2016, 12:38 PM
I'm actually having a similar problem here where I eat a lot but I don't gain weight at all and It sucks very bad
Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Mar 25 2016, 08:11 PM
I didn't think you have to worry about it you probably a have strong metabolism just like me C:
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Mar 25 2016, 09:38 PM
Glad to see you back on the site :) and sorry to hear this news! Like the 1st comment, i'd say See your GP asap and they can run some tests as it could be a number of things, from thyroid gland issue to hyper metabolism etc and they can advise you what to do from there. For me with my Eating disorder (AN), My dietitian and consultant constantly bang on about the following points for weight maintenance and healthy gain: x. Do not suddenly change your diet/eating habits, as this can cause more harm than good. x. Graduation is key. Gradually introduce diet changes(or in my case necessary intake increases) across a 5-7 day period but take longer if need be..This is so your body and it's systems can adjust. x. Keep eating healthily and in moderation with the not so healthy foods (but remember you also need some of those in your diet too) x. eat small regular meals throughout the day. ie 5-6 small portions of food rather than the standard 3 meals (you dont want to be overloading your system with 6 large meals a day!) failing that try incorporating a healthy snack (eg a piece of fruit) between each of your 3 meals. x. If you're doing regular fitness (this maybe an obvious point, apologies!) cut back on it abit ie halve the duration and the number of days per week you work out. ones i'd personally like to add are - x. eat slow release and nutrient dense foods - often high in Starch and Fiber. These make you feel fuller for longer but also tend to be more nutrient dense ie. Wholemeal pasta's, grains , beans/pluses/(in varying forms) x. Cut back on fizzy drinks and caffeinated drinks - these can act like appetite suppressors for some people (as they can make you feel full) but contain little or no nutrients..so not good if you want to gain or maintain!! x. If you do a lot of cardio (running,swimming etc) try swapping it to Resistance/strength training (pushups, situps, light weight usage etc). As this will build muscle (as well as burn alittle fat) but over all it will make you gain body mass/weight as you tone up, because Muscle tissue weighs more than fat due to it's structure/formation. hope this helps you and isn't too waffely.. i've tried to condense it down..promise! Feel free to PM me if you've any questions and i'll do my best to try and help :)
Posts: 561
Mar 26 2016, 04:15 AM
It's constant ,up and down always has been a problem for everyone. you need to eat green tea it does separate and make your body stable also burn fat.

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