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My heart bleeds no more! Now, it's been turned to stone! My stomach feels sore from cutting up, I've ruined all my sanctity for you! Smash me on the ground!!! Bleeds No More, by Silverstein

Emo Forums » Emo Fashion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Let's Create A New Scene Apr 18 2016, 06:21 PM
Yes by the title you know what exactly I mean let's create a new scene, label, look and a movement. Let's be honest here Emo and Scene is dead, Punk is still considered dead by a lot of people, Goth is nowhere to be found and probably it extinct, Metalheads are basically "normal" people these days, Hip hop and Rap is now garbage, Pop has no skills nor talent, there are so many core genres out there that it makes the original core genre Hardcore seem like a joke, there's this new thing called hipster and yeah it's shit so if you think that this is a waste of your time then just ignore it, but if you think that this is a great idea and that everything I said is some what true then join in and lets make our great scene movement with a new look, music taste and attitude. :D!


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Apr 18 2016, 10:05 PM
What could we name it though? SUGGESTIONS PEOPLE!!
Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Apr 19 2016, 01:54 AM
Before we make a name we need to know what is it going to be about, for example what type of music would we be listening to, or maybe we could create our own genre but that would be a pain in the ass to do since we're not really sure if anyone else would this idea of making a whole new scene so my suggestions is instead of making a whole new culture we should become a sub-culture from another culture and there we could build up our own genre, style and attitude.
Emo Pictures - Avalanche
Posts: 97
Apr 19 2016, 02:38 PM
For starters, Goth is no where near dead, there are still Goth night clubs and they are thriving in the alternative modelling industry as well as the music industry. As for a music genre you would need to be careful. We could use something like vaporwave or seapunk but it went too mainstream so you would mainly need some witch house and some melodic hardcore.
Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Apr 19 2016, 05:19 PM
I was thinking of something underground like emotive hardcore with Melody and political/emotional lyrics that deal with world problems, self problems, point of view and anything in between.
Emo Pictures - fallentoashes
Posts: 120
Apr 19 2016, 07:38 PM
I love that idea for the genre of music. I'm all for that. As for fashion, maybe blending the earlier emo styles together or going back to them? Basically, just having a style that can turn heads.
Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Apr 19 2016, 10:21 PM
Yes that's a good idea for blending fashion so my thought is blending the emo look with the punk rock look as they are both creative styles and together they will turn heads :)
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Apr 19 2016, 10:58 PM
The problem is they all end up blending into each other. It'd have to be very specific to begin with and have a catchy name. Personally I'd like to bring back the emo music and look from 10+ years ago.
Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Apr 19 2016, 11:23 PM
Well there are many ways to keep that from happening so people will know witch is punk from emo but I mentioned a while ago that the best way to create a new culture is to become a sub-culture from another culture that way everything else would be easy to do, and if so the culture does and up being made up of emo and punk then the right term to use for the name is Emo Punk. It's not the best name out there but it seems like a good term to label a specific group.
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Apr 26 2016, 02:05 AM
I would like to say there are pop bands that are good, but I do agree we do need to reawaken something. Though there are a crap ton of emo kids in the next town over, I'm the only one who can get anywhere near the style. The music, as said by Matt, always ends up bleeding together. That's why pop-punk is a thing. I feel like all of this stuff is "dead" because it's been crushed so much by people who hate alternative things. Labels are useless, in my opinion, unless it's just to find people with similar likes and dislikes. There's also that whole thing where "if you call yourself emo your a poser" thing which sucks. People call any sort of emo "a pussy goth" so hopefully whatever you create doesn't turn into "well it stole ideas from this so it's just a bunch of people who want to be special snowflakes" kind of thing. Kind of a random adding of my thoughts here but whatever.

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