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I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive; and I've seen you cry way too many times, when you deserved to be alive! Emergency, by Paramore

Emo Forums » Feedback (Reply)

Posts: 17
more sexuality & gender options please!! Jul 23 2017, 09:49 AM
It was very uncomfortable for me to have to choose a gender i don't identify with. please add more options! I think many more people would want to join the site if there were more gender & sexuality options :) I wasn't going to join because of that at first, but then i figured "screw it" and joined anyway. But it would've been a much more enjoyable and comfortable experience if i could've put the gender & sexuality I identify with. Think about it, even facebook, which is one of the largest social media platforms, has more gender options than simply male or female. The world is changing, and I say we change with it! after all, we're one of the most outcasted communities out there, we should welcome anyone who wants to be part of it with open arms.


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Aug 23 2017, 11:45 PM
If I get a definite answer I will look at sorting it out. Your answer above seems the most sensible to me at the moment...
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Aug 25 2017, 07:16 PM
perhaps...special snowflake? xD on a serious note though - as the above say a simple "non-binary" or "other" option should suffice and cover all LBGQT(+) statues without over complicating the drop down menu on the site. Plus if "other"is picked and another user is that keen on wanting to know what that said persons orientation is, they can always drop them a DM.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Aug 28 2017, 11:18 PM
^Thanks for your input Kate
Emo Pictures - xX_so_sad_Xx
Posts: 53
Mar 16 2018, 10:24 PM
Wow, I can’t believe that for an emo community site people aren’t more open to the idea of different genders... I felt the same way when making my account and I agree that even a simple “other” option would be nice. All that shit about “if you have a penis youre a he and a vagina makes you a she” is straight out transphobia and the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen. Just because you don’t feel uncomfortable in your skin and you feel like you fit with the sex and gender roles society gave you doesn’t mean other people do. The world doesn’t revolve around you. It revolves around the sun. Also know that there are intersex people, meaning they are born with both a penis and vagina so what you gonna do then, huh? Anyways, I agree with you @anxiouskittn, and I’m sorry these people don’t understand. Guess it just makes us more emo, tho :)
Emo Pictures - xX_so_sad_Xx
Posts: 53
Mar 16 2018, 10:24 PM
Wow, I can’t believe that for an emo community site people aren’t more open to the idea of different genders... I felt the same way when making my account and I agree that even a simple “other” option would be nice. All that shit about “if you have a penis youre a he and a vagina makes you a she” is straight out transphobia and the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen. Just because you don’t feel uncomfortable in your skin and you feel like you fit with the sex and gender roles society gave you doesn’t mean other people do. The world doesn’t revolve around you. It revolves around the sun. Also know that there are intersex people, meaning they are born with both a penis and vagina so what you gonna do then, huh? Anyways, I agree with you @anxiouskittn, and I’m sorry these people don’t understand. Guess it just makes us more emo, tho :)
Posts: 548
Mar 17 2018, 04:40 PM
^ I agree with Mish on this one. Just making an other option would literally solve everything. I know it’s very vague but I mean that’s what the about me page is for? If one wishes to explain themselves then write it there.
Emo Pictures - Avalanche
Posts: 98
Mar 18 2018, 11:43 AM
I think just a custom would be great, if people want to use it jokingly then that's fine and people who simply identify as something other than male or female can feel included and lable themselves however they wish. I feel an "other" option would become an issue for people with anxiety who feel that straight up fully explaining their gender identity on their profile would be uncomfortable and make them even more of a target for bullying, I mean I know personally I'd find it quite daunting.
Posts: 33
May 31 2020, 06:51 AM
Maybe you could just put in a "Nonbinary" option. It's an umbrella term for those who don't identify with either male or female genders, such as myself. I also would very much appreciate this feature <3
Emo Pictures - Candyde
Posts: 18
Aug 01 2020, 11:56 PM
We need the other/non-binary" option! - a boy

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