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Emo Forums » General Emo Discussion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xX_so_sad_Xx
Posts: 53
Emo's coming back?? Sep 19 2018, 04:27 AM
Is it just me or is "emo" coming back in style? There are emo nights all across the country, at least a shit ton here in California... so many stores are selling "emo" type clothing including but not limited to your basic 90s thrifty emo to gothic/punk wear which yea is not Emo(tm) but you get the gist... also with what has been coming back into style, first it was the 80s, now its the 90s, so eventually the early 2000s?? thoughts??


Emo Pictures - marcosgermanotta
Posts: 31
Sep 19 2018, 07:06 AM
I believe that yes, here in SP (Brazil) has been having many events of "Emos" and Scene Kids
Posts: 1
Sep 19 2018, 09:25 PM
Yes. Im in colorado and emo is so coming back.
Posts: 73
Sep 20 2018, 02:59 AM
Nah, I don't see it... I only spot less than 10 emos per year these days. The only new trend that's remotely emo is DanTDM's haircut. Most of the normies are still hipsters copying Drake, One Direction, The Kardashians/Jenners, etc., or they have no particular style at all... What stores are you seeing emo clothes at? Hot Topic is barely even emo these days. And what are "emo nights"? I never knew such a thing was possible, especially in the Late 2010's... If there's ever a emo or goth revival of some sort, probably won't happen until 2023-ish. Late 90's/Early 00's inspired fashion might kick into high gear in by then... Typically, the fashion trends, music trends and overall culture of a new decade doesn't come to into full swing until 3 years in.
Emo Pictures - oNEETo
Posts: 3
Sep 20 2018, 04:39 PM
More Cyberpunk has been coming out since its all about the next future that awaits like tech and stuff. Pastel goth and yamikawaii will never grow old though. Although i saw there is some weird fashion out now i saw not long ago...a little bit guro and alien type
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Sep 20 2018, 05:34 PM
Sort of but I hope it makes more of a comeback! :)
Emo Pictures - Avalanche
Posts: 97
Sep 20 2018, 09:18 PM
It's destined to make a small comeback sooner or later outside of the internet even if very lowkey. With the rise of glamorizing Y2K and kitsch 2000s aesthetics it'll become to tempting to pass up on, not to mention there's sort of a time frame where fashion is kind of vaulted and then released again. For instance everyone thought grunge (Literally means garbage) was the most disgusting and regrettable fashion trend and after a good 10 years of being dead the aesthetic got obsessed over and arose from the depths of Hell, rearing it's ugly flannel adorned head across the internet. Subculture based fashion really is a two steps forward one step back ordeal. I have a feeling emo/scene may not be an excpetion
Emo Pictures - xX_so_sad_Xx
Posts: 53
Sep 21 2018, 03:40 AM
@emoking96 yeah, emo nights are pretty cool. Emo Night LA is a piece of shit that doesn't know what they're doing, they literally thought MCR's Helena music video was an emo wedding or some shit, not a funeral for Gerard's grandmother. But there's some in sacramento, ca where i'm originally from and they're just really great because it's a DJ who plays classic emo music of all types and then bands who play emo covers/original emo music and you get to find new emo bands and meet people who are still in the scene, you should check one out if you hear about one near you, it's an amazing experience
Emo Pictures - xX_so_sad_Xx
Posts: 53
Sep 21 2018, 03:46 AM
@avalanche yeah I've been seeing the same thing. it makes me angry a bit because people have been making fun of emo kids and then other "weird/gross" styles ie grunge, punk, goth and now it's becoming a fashion so all the "normies" are dressing like those fashions they spent so long making fun of and it's just ridiculous to me. like now im seeing the rich rude preppy kids from my middle school in the same thrift stores as me and wearing the clothes they made fun of me for. kind of of topic i guess but yeah lol ugh. I feel like i'm living that one scene in daria where the sister and her friends dress goth for a day to be "cool"
Emo Pictures - kathlancer
Posts: 15
Sep 21 2018, 06:33 AM
I haven't seen the physical style in a while.. I'm the only one it seems haha. BUT. With that said. The Canadian west coast is it's own little isolated bubble. Although, we do have emo nights every month in the city. So that's pretty cool. I truly believe an "emo revival" is happening. You think of all the insane tours by some of our favorite bands, IE silverstein, asking alexandria, motionless in white, underoath, crown the empire, get scared, set it off, etc. Those last two are relatively new, and then there's that hit new song by badflower which is about as f**king emo as it gets! Yes. Emo is reviving. But to be honest, we never truly left. We just faded into our own little backgrounds, and now it's time to bring us back! HOWEVER. That trend of the 80s comeback, then 90s, and now 2000s? I've noticed it too. Funny how the music scene looped back. We're at a good cross between sunny day realestate meets taking back sunday meets we came as romans. At least from what I've seen! It's a big transition, and I think emo is just barely around the corner.
Posts: 2174
Sep 24 2018, 07:43 PM
I’ve noticed a lot of the people in my circle are reminiscing about their emo days but I don’t really see it coming back as such here.

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