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You'll only die a dream forgotten. I've got my pride so hear me sing I'll never let you steal my coffin. Coffin, by Black Veil Brides

Emo Forums » General Emo Discussion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - tracy
Posts: 4
a question for people who were around in the 2000s and got to experience emo culture then Mar 11 2020, 12:38 AM
hi! my name is tracy and im currently in the process of writing a story that takes place in the early 2000s and features emo characters navigating their lives post-highschool and dealing with their problems together. now, as someone who's fairly young i didnt get to experience emo culture back then in the way i wouldve wanted to. ive been doing a lot of research and thats how i stumbled onto this forum in the first place. sadly a lot of websites containing valuable information for me and my research just dont exist anymore. here's where this becomes problematic. i feel like i know how to write these characters, i know what their attitudes are, i know how they dress, but whats missing is their deeper connection to emo culture. i feel like im missing nuance and those teeny tiny little tidbits that make the characters authentic. if anyone has some info or their story to share about emo culture back then, especially emo culture online, with me: please do! if you have any articles or books i can read or documentaries i can watch, please post them here! im looking for specifics, not for general statements. im searching for things that were popular among emos (aside from the obvious like mcr, etc etc), things emos hated, subgroups, basically anything interesting and relating to emo culture. thank for reading and thank you for the help!


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Mar 11 2020, 01:25 PM
I do as I made this website and still am into the emo culture now!
Posts: 61
May 01 2020, 05:43 AM
In the early 2000s, there weren't any smartphones like we have today, so socialising in-person was much more valued - especially if your friends also shared similar interests as you in music, culture and fashion. Myspace, Facebook, VampireFreaks, SoEmo, Emocorner were around back then as well so people did have a chance to make connections with people from around the world. With Myspace, you were able to customise your page to your liking which helped one to form and understand more about their online identity. There was commonly a rift between "Emo" and "Scene" but the lines are so blurred that it was hard to make the distinction. However, what you can gather is that one was more of an internal process whilst the other was the opposite - but like I said, these factors often overlap: who doesn't have emotions(?). Emo music was also at its height during the 2000s, so there was more awareness of what it was. It was easier to tell what music people were into by the way they chose to dress and act. No-one really knew how to be "Emo" - there were some articles online but the majority of the time, learning about this culture relied a lot on talking to other people and asking what they think about it. A lot of conformity is inevitable as well. The down-side to this story is that because of the fact that little was known about the "emo" culture, people tended to take things out of proportion. Suicides and self-harm became associated and conflated, thus in some sense there was an assumption (even expectation) that being "truly emo" meant you'd have to harm yourself. This is wrong, of course and I've always been against the idea of self-harm and hurting yourself/others. Nevertheless, this is an important thing to remember. I think I've spoken enough for now. Feel free to reply if you want to know some more. Maybe others on here can shed some light on their experiences.
Emo Pictures - tracy
Posts: 4
Jun 16 2020, 05:59 AM
thank you so much for your response affectus!!! that was super helpful especially the part where you talked about how nobody knew what being emo really meant. id love to hear more if you want to share more !!
Emo Pictures - Spook999
Posts: 1
Jun 17 2020, 10:40 PM
What I would give to turn back time.
Emo Pictures - Tay
Posts: 7
Jun 18 2020, 01:18 AM
I don't know if this will be of a help but DDR Dance Machines were really popular 2004-2012. They turn up in music videos from around the time as well. I don't see them around as much anymore. Back then a perfect weekend for me would have been meeting up with people at Hyde Park corner (there used to be cosplay meets where alot of people used to meet up to make friends). There was a crossover of interests as alot of alternative people were into anime at the time. After meeting up people would often hangout in trocedero the former segaworld arcade in piccadilly in london (that parts been closed for years now), then go shopping in china town. Some of the shops had very alternative fashion there for sale like heavily patterned toki doki style (but not) hoodies and so on. There were also purikura photo booth shops one which I know closed. I'm not sure if Mr Panda still exists and people used to hangout and take photos together there. I don't know if stuff like that happens now on the scale it did back in 2008 but as social media was not as depended on back then it felt like people were more willing to meetup and it tended to be arranged on forums or word of mouth, msn messenger and so on. London Expo (now London MCM comic con) used to have a big online forum now long gone were meetings would get arranged as well.
Emo Pictures - tracy
Posts: 4
Jul 06 2020, 02:51 PM
thank you so much for sharing tay !!!!
Emo Pictures - IfOnlyYouWereLonely
Posts: 3
Jul 16 2020, 08:07 PM
Hello 👋 Thooght i would give you my insight about being emo. So i grew up when emo was a new thing something i can actually say i was there for ( its not a phase ) and i would like to divide it in a few descriptions. Firstly the music you probably have already listened to the music if you haven't you really should do. The understanding you can get if you dive into the lyrics and meanings will be essential for you to understand. What was said in these songs we would resonate, understand so much so because we would have been or going through a situation that these lyrics would just understand. We are/were social as fuck like you didn't even have to call or text you could just go to a place and know people would be there and a few different groups could easily merge into one group and there was never any issues. It didn't matter where or when i can't remember from the top of my head where a meet waa not happening. Living with the stereotype that you are depressed/self harming or socially awkward. Now don't get me wrong there were some that genuinely was the above however because that person conformed as emo it some how made it worse. Never mind so many people out there are suffering and would not be considered emo. Depression and anxiety was not spoken about or accepted as much as now days and i believe parents would use being emo as an excuse. The confusion when scene became a thing am i emo or scene.... i don't have enough time for this one. Lastly the slow extinction that is emo is fossil to hopefully be dug up and revived one day. Emo is dead but i for one will be listening to my favourite albums during this period with my future children and reminiscing about the good old days because for most it was the best teenage years you could have asked for.

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