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I can't take it any more Every day feels like a war The Devil in the mirror Screaming that my heart is flawed I'm never gonna let you win No I will not surrender Even if I start to fall I swear to you I'll rise again Devil in the Mirror, by Black Veil Brides

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - LifeHasStarted

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29 / Female / Hampshire, United Kingdom
Not Sure
Member since: Jul 17, 2012
Last online: Nov 08, 2023

Current rating: 9.1/10 (15 votes cast)

About Me

Thought i better update this as it has been years.
Illustration uni student so yeah i love to draw, read comics, watch films and a hell of a lot of TV shows. Also concerts and all that jazz. (i don't actually like Jazz) Socially introverted and inept. 
Will be constantly sarcastic if provoked.

Favourite Music

Animal Alpha, Arch Enemy, In this moment, Otep, Lacuna Coil, The agonist, AFI, Alestorm, Avatar, Baby Metal, Battle Beast, Cannibal corpse ,Carcass, Dazzle Vision, Christopher lee Fit For Rivals, Evanescence, RED, Three Days Grace, Flyleaf, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, Falling In Reverse, Escape The Fate, Bring Me The Horizon, Black Veil Brides, Framing Hanley, Korn, Marilyn Manson, My Chemical Romance, Murderdolls, Disturbed, Dir En Grey, Evil Scarecrow, Hammerfall, icon for hire, Alice Cooper. Etc. Etc.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Gotham, Arrow, The Mentalist, The Flash, Constantine, Dexter, LOK, Adventure Time, etc etc 

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

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Sep 30 2012, 01:28 PM
Sometimes you get that, though not as much as recording sounding better. 'Monster' was one of their songs, and one beginning with 'R' lol. Some reason i like the accent when singing, most hate it but i like it. Only British bands i like now are ym@6 and Young Guns really. Yeah we're just sorting out recording time and stuff, then that package will be released! Then we can get playing again lol x
Sep 30 2012, 01:09 PM
Depends on the band and where you're playing, it is a bit crap when bands don't play as well as they sound on recording though. They are a 3 piece now with touring musicians. They had a small 4 track ep thing they released some time ago. Didn't really like it either lol. I just looked them up, yeah they're from CA. I seem to prefer American bands for some reason UK ones don't seem to do it as well, apart from You me at Six lol. It can be but once you're on a run its easier, i haven't played in over a year when changing bands so i'm a little unfit on that front x
Sep 30 2012, 12:23 PM
I know, but that's the beauty with playing live, its live! Lol. As long as you match the recording as close as possible and give it a good performance then its great. I love them, all 3 albums are great but disappointing Josh n Zac left. Not sure on their stuff either. Not heard of LetLive, UK or US? You get used to it after a while cos you start getting 'gig-fit' so you can play for longer. Touring should be a good workout then :p
Sep 30 2012, 10:33 AM
It'd sound crap lol. Production is why so many bands sell records. And you can fine tune stuff you couldn't do live. Are you one of those Paramore haters or actually like them lol. He does, with his foot on the monitor and headbanging at the same time, requires a tremendous amount of stamina. I'm knackered just playing guitar at shows lol x
Sep 30 2012, 10:22 AM
Yeah its very produced though, and been auto-tuned to hell lol. Good songs though. Yeah Tonight Alive supported them, Australia version of Paramore basically lol. They're back in the UK next week on tour. He's insane live, i've tried to sing 'All I Want' and its very tough! Not much time to breathe and its really high as well, i'd die on stage lol x
Sep 30 2012, 10:12 AM
Yeah i'm looking forward to getting this one, i've got all of their other ones, Nothing Personal is my favourite one. Lol yeah i had loads of names i wanted to use. Ah right, didn't recognise that but i know now :p Oh wow, bet they must have been immense, they put on a really good live show. I saw Young Guns earlier this year, you know them? Good band. They're probably one of my fave fave bands (ADTR) cos they have that nice blend of pop punk and screamo. Jeremy's a great singer/growler too x
Sep 30 2012, 09:55 AM
I can't think of many bands that have lasted as long as they have, esp in that kinda genre. Yeah, 'Don't Panic' is the name, i've heard 3 tracks off it and i like! Yeah my username is one of their albums lol. Where did you see them in Feb? Well jel :p I do like A Day To Remember which crosses that metalcore type style with pop punk, and several other similar bands but not Bring Me The Hairspray or that stuff haha x
Sep 30 2012, 09:47 AM
I don't think they'd still be around after 20 years if they didn't. Good on them. Ah yes! ATL and NFG ftw! Love those two bands. ATL have a new album out a week tomorrow. And i hardy know anybody who loves NFG as much as i do lol. Not so much into screamo though x
Sep 30 2012, 09:33 AM
I like the Warning era onwards, most people like the older stuff but its a good change, shame some can't see that. Who else do you like? x
Sep 30 2012, 09:17 AM
They're the best they've done i think, Kill The DJ is a bit different which is why people don't like lol. Are you 'old school' GD e.g. Dookie era or newer GD? x
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