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My best laid plans will build and break your heart. Her guilty hands tear my whole world apart. My mind keeps racing. She's softly dreaming. I'm scraped and sober but there's no one listening. Chapter 13, by +44

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - LifeHasStarted

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29 / Female / Hampshire, United Kingdom
Not Sure
Member since: Jul 17, 2012
Last online: Nov 08, 2023

Current rating: 9.1/10 (15 votes cast)

About Me

Thought i better update this as it has been years.
Illustration uni student so yeah i love to draw, read comics, watch films and a hell of a lot of TV shows. Also concerts and all that jazz. (i don't actually like Jazz) Socially introverted and inept. 
Will be constantly sarcastic if provoked.

Favourite Music

Animal Alpha, Arch Enemy, In this moment, Otep, Lacuna Coil, The agonist, AFI, Alestorm, Avatar, Baby Metal, Battle Beast, Cannibal corpse ,Carcass, Dazzle Vision, Christopher lee Fit For Rivals, Evanescence, RED, Three Days Grace, Flyleaf, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, Falling In Reverse, Escape The Fate, Bring Me The Horizon, Black Veil Brides, Framing Hanley, Korn, Marilyn Manson, My Chemical Romance, Murderdolls, Disturbed, Dir En Grey, Evil Scarecrow, Hammerfall, icon for hire, Alice Cooper. Etc. Etc.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Gotham, Arrow, The Mentalist, The Flash, Constantine, Dexter, LOK, Adventure Time, etc etc 

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

Comments (Add Comment)

Oct 14 2012, 01:58 PM
Practice? Lol i've been doing this for years, and our singer does most of the lyric stuff haha. It does confuse me when there's several meanings of one word, or several words that can be used to describe it. I have been guilty of having poor grammar sometimes, such is how hard it can be! Lol depends what your project entails, i'm guessing you'll need some kind of portfolio so why don't you use music as your base? Although you might have to warn the people at college of who we are and prepare them with sick buckets haha. Its only so cos its the only thing i'm good at lol, and its something that tests your mental strength over time. Stick at it, network and keep putting your work out there. Eventually someone will notice, if not through promotion via my band! Haha x
Oct 14 2012, 01:04 PM
I'm not sure, i'm more of a music writer than lyrics cos i'm rubbish at putting my thoughts into words lol. Lol it just makes things more complicated than they need to be, damn English language. Well anytime you need stuff for portfolios or anything you can use us if you want, it gives us a bit of exposure and gives you something to work with lol. Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep and the weather, yeah haha. Well music is my relaxation so its kinda everything in my life really, hard to do anything else. Wow, at least its something you like and hope to maybe make a career out of, and you're very very good at! x
Oct 14 2012, 08:19 AM
That's the power of music, if i can write something that can touch someone personally i'd be really happy. There's certain times this year where i've felt like giving up but something is making me get out of bed each day to do it. Ah i think i get you now lol, being different and all that, not being a sheep, haha. Who comes up with fancy words anyway... Its the best thing about art, its subjective. No one can say 'that's wrong' or something, someone else might like it. And well, if we do make any cd artwork i'd like to use it, would be nice to have in there. Yeah i have been, it started with a cough then some kind of tiredness. Think i'm stressed with the recording and being poor. What were you meant to be doing that you were putting off? Lol x
Oct 13 2012, 08:16 AM
Yeah, the 4th and current ADTR album is probably the story of my life, all songs have a personal meaning, its incredible how someone else's lyrics can relate to other people around the world. When life's a bit crap i put it on and it makes my day better. Lol what does non-conformist actually mean? Sorry i'm really stupid. Well a piece of paper with a letter on it doesn't reflect how good or bad you are, especially with art cos its subjective. Its not like maths where the answer is either right or its wrong. Keep drawing someone will notice your work, maybe if we use it in album artwork..perhaps.... :p Its going alright, not been teaching much cos i've lost a few students, and i have a sore throat. How's yours? x
Oct 12 2012, 02:49 PM
Maybe lol, its quite demanding handling the difficult ones, but its part of the challenge lol. Yeah its off the new album, its the standout track for me, purely cos its so relevant to my life right now. Really like when songs can touch you like that. Yeah as well as timewasting lol. I try to not go with what everyone else is into though, i'm not a sheep haha. Meh i dunno, i prefer drawings lol. Worried it wasn't good enough? Don't be silly, its a joke how you got low marks for art x
Oct 11 2012, 04:00 PM
Lol not all of them are but you get the occasional ones who never talk! I try to keep them relaxed and casual though, and after a while they find it easier to chat about stuff. Yeah the whole kinda thoughts and images is taken from this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFVmlp60oJ0 Not on my iPod i can't when i'm in the middle of teaching lol, it takes too long. Depends what it is but yeah if something better comes along you will kinda go along with that haha. I look much better in drawing form than photos lol, i don't see how you can make it better its perfect already! x
Oct 11 2012, 04:17 AM
Apart from financial security and awkward students, its great lol. That's a dream for now, to be honest i'm just lucky to be in one again after a long time between the last one and this one. My map felt like it lost its compass during that period. Lol i think i have OCD or something over it i hate not being able to find a song. Haha short attention span or something? A year? I would have understood if you said no lol but wow! If that's a quick sketch then what would a proper drawing look like! Its 100% resemblant! I love it thank you x
Oct 10 2012, 12:18 PM
The pluses are rewarding though, working for myself is great lol. I know, but even if it does, all bands have a shelf life, and i'm terrified of things coming to an end. I'm just thankful i have my teaching and functions stuff in the background. Everyone can obsess over bands, its a good thing. Well music and guitars is, and my iTunes library lol, i have to make sure its updated and all the songs are in the right albums in the right tracklisting order, weird i know. Oh right, there's me thinking you were gonna say no to drawing me lol, when do you think you're going to start? I know, Mystic Meg :p x
Oct 10 2012, 09:01 AM
Well cos i'm self employed i can't call in sick lol. You think so lol. It kinda scares me a bit that in a few years this could end and i haven't got anything left. At the same time it excites me i get to share music i make with everyone. Could be lol, what's your obsession? I haven't seen your drawings so i can't say, what's the sentence about not getting any drawings about on your profile? Does this mean if people ask you to draw them you're gonna say no? Lol. Oh yeah, of course...Miss Psychic :p x
Oct 09 2012, 06:53 AM
I'm hoping so too, don't get sick pay for what i do so i have to go work if i feel like crap. I know, i don't know what the future holds to be honest, every week changes and there's always something around the corner. Lol i know right? I don't get it, what's the craze about? I saw your journal thingy, you seem quite mad you got a low grade for art, don't let it get you down though. Lol how did you guess, every single time! x
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