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Another day without you with me Is like a blade that cuts right through me But I can wait I can wait forever When you call my heart stops beating When you're gone it won't stop bleeding But I can wait I can wait forever i can wait forever, by Simple Plan

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - TashaEatsDinosaurs

[Site Model]

Natasha Hettick
31 / Female / Springfield, Missouri, United States
Bisexual / In a Relationship
Member since: Jul 18, 2012
Last online: Nov 19, 2014

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Browse my page. Add me. Meet me. Talk to me. Befriend me.

Favourite Music

Anything but country and rap.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Anything that catches my little eyes really. ^^

Wuthering Heights.

Education / Occupation

I graduated high school and am a big time computer nerd. I build websites for people. :3

Who I'd Like To Meet

Jeremy Thirteen from Snow White's Poison Bite. <3

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- Meows :3

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- I eats dinos. ^^

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- I loves cupcakes. :3

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- RaWr!

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Jul 23 2012, 09:01 AM
Private entry
Jul 23 2012, 09:00 AM
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Jul 23 2012, 09:00 AM
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Jul 23 2012, 08:59 AM
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Jul 23 2012, 09:01 AM

When there was nothing but darkness, he was light. When I was blind from everything, he was sight. He haunted my dreams, my desires, and my spirit. A trickster at night that took all he could take. ...My patched, leftover scraps of a heart. It was his. It was his. It was his. A burglary that I had allowed. I did not look beyond. I was blinded by him. In a trance. Dazed. Too good to be true. Too good to be true. But those spoken words that cut through stone... Those unwanted words falter my perception. And his departure has left me a heartbroken wretch. A witch in slumber. The daughter of my Angel of Darkness. I needed to wake up. My eyes needed to be opened. And so they did. I saw again, the evils of this world. And so I smiled menacingly. How I have missed this sight. But lost within the glory of my return, I had not noticed. My twisted heart is still tearing in his hands. His. My love was crumbling to dust. With my true being. Hatred dispersed. Sins run through my veins. Yet do evil beings not deserve love? Am I nothing? Am I nothing but a lost demon glad to come back, Yet I still want what I cannot have? The love of one creature. Any other would be to easy for me to crush. Yet... There I went and fell in love with Satan himself. And Satan wants nothing of me. I am sorry Father. Allow me to become dust. Let my sins go willingly, but accept my patience. My patience for the biggest sin of all. Can evil love? Let me try it. ...Patience...

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Jul 23 2012, 09:00 AM

Death He was old. He felt old. His body did not work right anymore, and he was always tired. His eyes were rheumy, and there were pains in his joints that woke him in the cold night time. One night, as he slept, a soft white light filled his hut. He looked up, and saw the most beautiful Lady he had ever seen standing in the room. "Who are you?" he whispered. "Death," She answered, quietly. "Death?" His reply was confused. "I never thought Death would be so beautiful! We have always pictured you as some kind of spectre of fear." The Lady smiled. "You only fear Death because you do not remember it. Just as you fear Life, because you do not remember it. Come. Walk with me, and be at peace." He got out of the straw bed, and walked to Her. She took his hand, and he looked back at the bed. He saw his body, laying there. Still and unmoving. Dead. "It's quite a shock, isn't it?" Her voice was calm. "Am I .... dead?" "Most assuredly so. Come." They walked out of the cottage, hand in hand, and he noticed that they were not walking thru the streets of the village where he had lived. "Where are we?" "You'll see in a moment. Wait." "Am I bound for Hell?" he asked. She stopped, and looked him in the eyes. "There is no Hell. You have lived as most humans do, loving, hating, being loved and being hated. You did the best you could with the Light you had to see by. You have learned much, and earned much." Her voice was low, but filled with a vibrancy that touched his very soul. They continued a little way down a hill, and then turned a corner, or something very much like it, and he saw, and heard the laughter. "Is it Heaven? What is it? It's beautiful!" "This is the Summerland. Here you will rest a while, and play, and perhaps meet old playmates again and discuss your Game, and ways to improve It. It is time for you to remember all your lives." She reached up, and softly touched him on the forehead. "Now remember." And he did.

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Jul 23 2012, 09:00 AM

My eyes on the window. I want to escape. Away from this sorrow. Away from my fate. Daddy once told me. I'm his little girl. But now I truly see. The shadows of the world. I sit in this chair. It's dark in my room. Through the window, I stare. Insanity leading my doom. They placed me here. Trapped under their eyes. Freedom, no where near. All hidden behind lies. Where is my knight. Like in fairy tales. He is no where in sight. And my heart is to fail. Dying to this, all alone. Straight-jacket, you tie me down. For all I have known. My clock has been wound. My love, you drove me insane. For you had gone and left me. And gave me such pain. You unleashed my inner demons for you to see. I have only one thing, now, on my mind. I shall be set free, this is true. For I will truly show you my kind. I shall flee, and I shall murder you. My eyes on the window. I need to escape. But once I am a black widow. Returning here, is my fate.

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Jul 23 2012, 08:59 AM

We all suffer from the past. We all suffer from the pain of things that do not last. Tear down all the pictures of me. Burn all my things. Kill it all off. Make it as though I never lived. Forget everything you felt. We can never be. The flames of our love. I washed away. Yet I can still hear you say. The spiteful things. The darkness you have placed me in. Reminding me constantly of your regret. How you had deprived me of affection. That your heart began to reject mine. And so we can never be. For those were the words that you had said to me. Now you are but my bittersweet memory. My regret.

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