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In that bleak december, you're just too cold, but I need the answer before you'd fold... Bleak December, by Set It Off

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - _Fake_


27 / Male / My bed, United Kingdom
Gay/Lesbian / Forever Alone
Member since: Mar 06, 2015
Last online: Mar 23, 2015

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Call me Daddy I hate everyone. dont tell me about your problems, I really dont care. I will piss you off on purpose. dont type like a fucking idiot if you plan on talking to me. I get bored of people easily.
Name :Daddy
Birthdate :22/12/1996
Birthplace :UK
Current Location :UK
Eye Color :Grey
Hair Color :Blue
Height :6'5
Weight :I have no idea.
Piercings :Many
Tatoos :Many
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :Nope
Vehicle :Your mum
Overused Phrase :Fuck face.
Food :Chicken Nuggets
Candy :Liquorice
Number :dont have one
Color :Blue
Animal :Red panda
Drink :Ice tea
Body Part on Opposite sex :Hands
TV Show :Family Guy
Music Album :Beartooth - Disgusting
Movie :LOTR/The Hobbit
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing :Ew
Chocolate or VanillaVanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :Hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug :Idk
Dog or Cat :Cat
Rap or Punk :Punk
Summer or Winter :Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :Scary
Love or Money :Money
Bedtime :What the fuck is a bedtime?
Most Missed Memory :Too many
Best phyiscal feature :Lips
First Thought Waking Up :im going back to sleep
Ambition :dont have one
Weakness :Nothing
Fears :Growing old, Young children, Old ladies
Longest relationship :2 years almost
Cheated Your Partner :No
Ever been beaten up :Yes
Ever beaten someone up :Yes
Ever Shoplifted :cant remember
Ever Skinny Dipped :No
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :No
Been Dumped Lately :No
Favorite Eye Color :Blue
Favorite Hair Color :Whatever
Short or Long :Whatever
Height :Whatever
Style :Whatever
Looks or Personality :Looks
Hot or CuteHot
Muscular or Really Skinny :Eh whatever
What country do you want to Visit :Sweden
How do you want to Die :While giving head
Get along with your Parents :No
Health Freak :No
Do you think your Attractive :No
Believe in Yourself :No
Want to go to College :Eh no
Do you Smoke :Yes
Do you Drink :Yes
Shower Daily :Yes
Been in Love :Unfortunatly
Do you Sing :No
Want to get Married :No
Do you want Children :No
Hate anyone :Everyone
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