I don’t want to be alone anymore
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it die
Anxiety still swallows my chest and lead consumes my lungs
Everyday the gun meets my mouth
But I’ve never been one to get the job done
Ugly, by Villains (Now: Yuth Forever)
My life is a disaster i cant take it any more my father is a Psychotic he can never shut the heck up he always screams and yells for no dam reason and he always blames my grandmother for his shit why does this happen to me why god why did you make me have to have a father that can even control his fucking self i don’t get it anymore i’m loosing it i cant deal with this shit anymore i cant wait until i turn 18 and be able to leave this horror house and live on my own because ha i ain’t letting any family member stay with me and only person that will stay with me will be my boyfriend/husband if i can ever find someone that will care for me and love me for who i am i fucking hate life god cant u take me back kill me already well i have to have credit i’m happy i’m alive because i have all my friends and best friends to be there for me so i guess life is not that bad i guess i just wish it was easier and not as complicated for me.
I thought I had a best friend I could count on but I guess I was wrong and I know he's busy working and living his life but now he just ignores me he blocked me on facebook and won't say anything why did I even thank I could trust a 21 year old at all I just thought this time I thought he was different from anyone else but I guess not I guess he's just like the others he uses me then its like he throws me away next and if he trys to come back around I'm gonna do what he did to me and see how he feels.
Life is like a tree but never dies because you have friends to help you and to talk to with ur problems just try and keep trying don't ever give up in life. Once in a while you might mess up but its ok because that's how you learn.
There's a boy I like but he barly gets on but when he does I talk to him but one thang is I'm afraid to tell him if I like him bc I'm afraid of wat he will say but I have to be brave.
Life goes on by slowly and painfully for me but I stay alive because of my friends who that care about me and I'm happy to be alive right now but I wish life would be a bit easier to understand and not be so painful "oh god why do u have to torture me so much" why do I even try any more I wish I could be killed before I turn 20 but then at the same time I'm happy to be alive because of friends well to all my friends "love y'all and thanks for being there and caring for me"
One edvise if u have best friend you should appreciate that there in ur life bc I made a mistake once and my best friend left me but he forgave me and I will never make it again bc I'm afraid next time I will lose him for good and I care for him and he's made life happier so watch what u say or do ur friends.u you can lose them in a heart beat like I almost did.