The deeper you dig
The darker it gets,
There's nowhere els
For us to go,
We live while we learn
And then we forget,
We'll never find our
Way back home Empire (let them sing), by Bring Me The Horizon
29 / Male / New Hampshire, United States
Pansexual / Forever Alone
Member since:
Aug 31, 2013
Last online:
Mar 24, 2014
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
The name is Silus. Can be referred to as Silus, Spency, or Rowen. I am genderfluid, in case you didn't notice, and im pansexual. I talk a lot and use too many emoticons. im short, being only 5'5.5"(5 foot, 5 and a half inches tall) and im not growing any taller. Though im rather short, I can withstand most people whom are taller. I love when people use proper grammar, so, if u tlk lik dis I will most likely block you because you annoy me. Dictionaries were printed for a reason, use them.
Some things you may not know; And things I leave unsaid:
I dont have a preferred gender to date. Whatever you are, im probably into you.
I was born female. I would love to get a sex change. I think I'd look better as a guy.
I have daddy issues. My real father hasn't been there for me all my life. He skipped out.
I tend to fall for people easily.I've had my heart broken too many times, and have fair shares at relationships.
I love animals. Wolves and Horses are by far the best.
I listen to a ton of music. You'd be surprised how far my music taste can take you.
im eighteen. im ready to be treated like an adult. I've waited long enough. I need to break away from my parents.
im not available. Going steady for over two months now.
I love tattoos&piercings. I have coyote paw-prints on my hips. & I have snakebites&Navel pierced.
I get rather annoyed on a daily basis. The smallest things will set me off; beware.
Favourite Music
Dot Dot Curve (: , BMTH, SWS, J Bigga, T Mills, Scene Kidz, Limp Bizkit, KoRn, Phone Calls From Home, nevershoutnever, Dubstep, Bassnectar, Boregore, Skillet, etc
Favourite Films / TV / Books
The Nightmare Before Christmas, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Bambi, The Little Mermaid, The Land Before Time, Lump of Sugar (Korean), The Ren&Stimpy Show, CatDog, The Angry Beavers, Beavis and Butthead, Adventure Time, The Regular Show, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
Education / Occupation
Still in high school, but I graduate in a year (2014!), becoming a world champion in horse jumping and will be a Thoroughbred breeder and trainer. On the side I will be a tattoo artist, and maybe one day a singer too.
Who I'd Like To Meet
Spanky(DDC(: ), Johnny Depp, Phone Calls From Home (for the third time!(; ), Skillet.