im gonna do the things i wanna do. i dont have a single thing to prove to you. i eat my candy in the pork and beans. excuse my manners if i cause a scene. im not gonna wear the clothes you like. im finally dandy with the me inside. Pork and Beans, by Weezer
Trinity Davis
29 / Female / london, United Kingdom
Bisexual / Single & Looking
Member since:
Aug 16, 2012
Last online:
Sep 25, 2012
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About Me
Ello, The names Trinity xD i love to feed little children candy and make them dance for me. Okay just kidding im not a sick fuck. I'm not sure why i'm writing this sense no one gives a shit and no one will read this. Well i'm that one kid that in gym class always gets picked last and ushually doesnt get invited to the partys... i'm kind of like a waist of space to the world.Yeah I only saround myself with caring people who will get me. So if your some little prick who's going to judge me don't even bother talking to me. Mkay? it's that simple. yeah ik im a bitch. But come on people these days so fucking judgemental.. it's like WHAT THE HELL? Do i judge you for being a whore or a asswhole..? no so leave me alone.Anyways im kind of shy.. So will you please start the conversation and not me? also I fall for people very easy and get a broken heart alot.. Can you be the one to fix it? Music is my escape from life. it gives me a place where I feel happy. this is why i love music. I'm in my own band. I'm lead vocalist, backup guitarist, and the band manger. Plus im the only girl xD. I've wanted to be a singer ever sense I was a kid. And my favorite color is GREEN along with many other colors. Dont get me confused with a girly girl because I am not a girly girl. fuck that shit lol. I kind of have and obsession with Hello Kitty just so you know... I wear my lucky hello kitty neckless everyday. I won my first singing compition with that neckless ;D.Okay biggest pet peive.. Is when
the flight atendent welcomes you to the city when the plan lands "Oh , welcome.. We made it together!" Um no we didnt.. you've taken this plan
to this city a million times... i could have welcomed myself... haha
. Sorry.yeah i know thats stupid.It also annoys me when people smell bad . like take a damn shower.My bestfriends are Holly, Katelyn, and Jakey<3
I'm sick of guys breaking my heart... I just wanted that one nice guy who's
perfect for me :( but it never happends.... Could you please be that one
guy..? okay i also wanted to say i like it RAW
R: Rough A: Awesome
W: WOW!!
Add me on facebook..: Trinity Rae Davis xD thanks much loves okay TMI?
lolz again its trinity hit me up im hear to be ur bestie and listen to all your
needs XD Oh yeah and i came to fuck sexy pans of yes fuck me u pansexuals!!! IN THE FUCKING FACE... lmao to far..? anyways yeah i love pans<3 or strait people or gay.. doesnt matter lmao. LOVE YOU ALL BEAUTIFUL MOTHE FUCKKERS. Btw i have a skype so inbox me and we shld skype<3 or talk on fb or tumblr.
Favourite Music
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Scary movies all the way.. tehe Saw, Halloween, and um i forgot xd Ask me some other time..? Now TV YEAH BUDDY... Degrassie, teen wolf, snookie&Jwow, teen mom, DISNEY CHANNEL... naw im just playin.. (no im not) Truth is i love me some drama tv shows C:
Twilight, House of Night, ect... I dont know.. I could just watch a movie? and if the book isn't a movie then obviously it's not worth readind xD
Education / Occupation
Hagwarts school of witch craft and wizardly shit lmao yeah ik im weird :3
Who I'd Like To Meet
I'd like to meet someone with the same music taste, nice personality, and a killer style like me xD And someone who has the same love for music like me xD
Smile when you're sad, laugh when it's not funny, brighten someone day. You never know when you're last day is.
You only love once &
You only live once
Bo Johnson
I wanted to write this even though you won't see, but your one of my closest friends and I do care about you sooo much!! And now that yesterday I found out your going to die for sure I can't take it. Why you out of anyone..? your my brother, and close friend. You will be dearly missed by me and everyone else nothing will be the same for awhile after your gone and I stay pray for you evey night. Your the only reason i pray anymore Bo. And I hate those doctors for nor clearing out the dead cancer cells cause you where cured but now your not. it's just not fair. And Anika is loosing her only child. Its ust not right. So Im sorry I know you will be in a better place so ill try to smile. I love you BO!! GO BO!!!
Fuck My Life.
I meet a guy who's nice, and really seems like he cares... Then he fucking cheats. Wow Josh.. Congrates you are offically a man hoe. Hope you enjoyed it. and guess what don't be pissed when i find someone knew.