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Emo Forums » Emo Fashion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Kamikazeke
Posts: 78
Do you think people would still find you as attractive if you were bald? Jan 14 2013, 09:05 PM
So a thought just popped into my head. I've noticed that about 9 out of every 10 comments I see on here go something like "OMG! I love ur hair!!!!" Obviously hair is a big thing on this site. It kinda got me thinking... Would a lot of these people even take a second glance at these people if they had no hair? It may sound kinda harsh, but I really think that there is some truth to it. So do you think people would still find you as attractive if you had no hair? As for myself I really don't think they would. My hair kinda hides the fact that I have a very oddly shaped face, super thick eyebrows, and the fact that my eye makeup is always uneven. Haha And for those of you who have buzzed heads or just don't have hair, do you think people would find you more attractive if you grew your hair out? Again, sorry if this is harsh/shallow/whatever. I think everyone on here is beautiful and unique in their own way, hair or not. <3 :D


Emo Pictures - DizzyDotRocks
Posts: 830
Jan 15 2013, 08:11 AM
You are very pretty anyway, but most people just comment on your hair rather than your other features because its so amazing :3 But in response to the question, no I don't think people would find me as attractive if I were bald. It sounds awful, but its the truth. However, if I were to go bald for whatever reason, I would buy a fuck ton of wigs in crazy styles, so I'd still have awesome hair :3
Posts: 189
Jan 16 2013, 03:18 AM
hahaha XD I know if I was bald I would look like a total egg :P the only time im gonna shave my hair is if I start to go bald :P
Emo Pictures - Kamikazeke
Posts: 78
Jan 16 2013, 10:32 PM
Why thank you sweetie. I think you are quite beautimous as well ^_^ Haha I love the idea of wearing a wig. :] It would be easier than keeping up with my normal hair. Maybe I should shave my head and just wear wigs? ;p
Emo Pictures - DizzyDotRocks
Posts: 830
Jan 17 2013, 11:55 AM
Haha I've thought about that :P but I loves my hair ^^ but I've thought about buying some wigs anyway as, being an actress, I have to be careful what I do to my hair :(
Emo Pictures - Kamikazeke
Posts: 78
Jan 18 2013, 02:48 PM
I have to wear a wig when I go to work. It kinda sucks >_< I hate that can't be who I really am in the work place.
Emo Pictures - DizzyDotRocks
Posts: 830
Jan 19 2013, 08:18 AM
I completely agree. I've worked in a shop and in a building society, both of which made me be careful about my appearance. I just don't understand why it should matter. Surely, when it comes to a job, what matters is how good you are at the job?
Posts: 1726
Jan 20 2013, 03:38 AM
my hair is as curly as hell, and it hides my face!!! me without hair omg!!!!!!!
Emo Pictures - Kamikazeke
Posts: 78
Jan 20 2013, 07:20 PM
Exactly! Discriminating against someone for having tattoos or piercings or different hair is like discriminating against them for being a different race... It's like we've gone one step forward and two steps back. -_- Haha My hair hides the fact that my makeup and eyebrows are never even :p Plus lately I seemed to get burned really bad every time I go to get them waxed. >_<

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