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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - LostAndLeftForDead


Will Archer
30 / Male / Manchester, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since: Apr 10, 2012
Last online: May 17, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I'm shy due to the fact that I have very low confidence. I'm usually depressed. I like spending time with friends. If you want to know anything else, just ask. Oh, by the way, if I say i'm fine, don't believe me. If I say i'm ok or good, then yea, but don't believe fine.

Favourite Music

I like, Amon Amarth, Rammstein, Obsessive compulsive, Wolfcrusher, Sworn to oath, System of a down, MCR, Bullet for my valentine, Manowar, Iron maiden, Evanescence, Slipknot, Korn, Paramore, Asking Alexandria, Suicide Silence and various other bands.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

TV = Family Guy, Star Trek, CSI, Russel Howards' Good News, Red Dwarf, Andromeda & How I Met Your Mother.

Films = Star Wars (original trilogy is best), Star Trek (2009), The Avengers (marvel), Transformers, The Matrix, Starship Troopers & Equilibrium.

Education / Occupation

mancat (manchester college)

Who I'd Like To Meet

sir Patrick Stewart, Hayley Williams, 
not really any else to be honest.

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Jul 23 2012, 03:36 PM
You like Star Wars, Star Trek and The Avengers! Yay, that's so awesome! ^^
Apr 14 2012, 11:27 AM
Thanks for the friend request, dude :)
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Apr 10 2012, 05:40 AM
Heya LostAndLeftForDead welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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- me, a few years ago, i really need new pics

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- me, a few years back

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Nov 19 2012, 09:48 AM
I am, simply, a waste of space. I am completely worthless. I keep forgetting why I'm still alive. But then I realize that if I die I might make a few people sad, coz they're mental enough to think I'm worth there time and friendship. I am not. So I keep on with this life that I wish would end, just so a couple of people don't get upset. Meanwhile, I find more reasons to be depressed, to hurt myself, to wish for my life to end.
Nov 05 2012, 03:23 AM
Our worlds may fall apart, and our lives may begin to feel unbearable. But the Gods, the Goddesses and the Universe it's self, they guide us all. In time.
Aug 09 2012, 12:18 PM
Private entry
Aug 09 2012, 02:34 AM
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Aug 08 2012, 01:14 PM
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Aug 06 2012, 05:56 AM
Aug 05 2012, 08:42 AM
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Jul 24 2012, 05:06 PM
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Jul 23 2012, 06:39 PM
Private entry
Jul 23 2012, 03:28 AM
Private entry

Nov 19 2012, 09:48 AM

I am, simply, a waste of space. I am completely worthless. I keep forgetting why I'm still alive. But then I realize that if I die I might make a few people sad, coz they're mental enough to think I'm worth there time and friendship. I am not. So I keep on with this life that I wish would end, just so a couple of people don't get upset. Meanwhile, I find more reasons to be depressed, to hurt myself, to wish for my life to end.

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Nov 05 2012, 03:23 AM

Our worlds may fall apart, and our lives may begin to feel unbearable. But the Gods, the Goddesses and the Universe it's self, they guide us all. In time.

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Aug 09 2012, 12:18 PM

Ok, I made a secondary account, if you want to find it, it's Wolfish_Vampire

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Aug 09 2012, 02:34 AM

i think i might make another account, seeing as one of those mods got petty and abused their power, kicked me for howling twice, saying it was spam (WTF?) and then banishing me coz i went back on and said f it i can't be f'ing bothered, bye f'ing humans, the f'er banished me for being in a depressed and bad mood. anyway, i'm probably gonna make a new one, i'll let everyone know what it's called after.

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Aug 08 2012, 01:14 PM

Liking a girl that pushes everyone away, that thinks she hurts everyone, and wont get it into her head that you don't believe that. Added with the fact you already thought you were a stupid ugly worthless piece of shit. No wonder i carved into my arm a couple of days ago. Damn it, i just want to be with her, last time i was near her everything felt right, and i actually felt happy for once. :(

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Aug 06 2012, 05:56 AM


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Aug 05 2012, 08:42 AM

I wish i was a Vulcan, no emotions, just logic. no pain, just logic. Or a plant, no emotions or pain, just existence. Why couldn't those damn doctors be right when they thought i'd only live 9 days?

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Jul 24 2012, 05:06 PM

I am born to feel pain, that is my fate. I am born to die, memento mori. I am living for nothing, come death. I am living for no one, unloved. I will die, for I am mortal. I will die, and I will welcome it.

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Jul 23 2012, 06:39 PM

For f*** sake, why wont the other souls inside let me kill myself? Forget it, I'll just go slice into my arm. i'm sorry i don't feel the same way. I'll just stay go away when I see you online, it's probably best. I'll go now, slice open my arm, coz now, like everyone else, you hate me. Everyone f***ing hates me. :'(

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Jul 23 2012, 03:28 AM

When you think you like someone, but there's a big distance, and the last time you liked someone far away, you fell in love and the distance tore you up inside. I don't want to, but I do, I don't know, what should I do?

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