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We held hands on the last night on earth. Our mouths filled with dust, we kissed in the fields and under trees, screaming like dogs, Bleeding dark into leaves. ...But Home is Nowhere., by AFI

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - xSUICIDEBLOODx


Karin Something Norweigan
33 / Female / Göteborg /Gothenburg ( Sweden), Sweden
Bisexual / Single
Member since: Jul 02, 2008
Last online: Jul 15, 2024

Current rating: 5.4/10 (37 votes cast)

About Me


xxits_just_mexx aka Sophie is my fav pookie person

<3 here on soemo and if anyone on here will ever hurt her then i will personally come and pookie-slap u for doing soo XD >:3 

I am proud of being SWEDISH/NORWEIGAN/GERMAN <3


Favourite Music


Cinema Bizarre Ich lieben en mein herzen für immern <333 (2007-2010) I will always love their music even if they r still not a band anymore <333


Favourite Films / TV / Books






Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet





Comments (Add Comment)

Emo Pictures - TashaCatastrophe
Sep 20 2012, 08:28 AM
Hallow Karin :) I'm good thanks you? x
Emo Pictures - BiPolarNonsensexx
Sep 19 2012, 04:22 PM
You're welcome c:
Emo Pictures - BiPolarNonsensexx
Sep 19 2012, 04:19 PM
I love your new profile picture! :D
Emo Pictures - TashaCatastrophe
Sep 12 2012, 11:16 AM
nice x
Emo Pictures - TashaCatastrophe
Sep 12 2012, 10:57 AM
just playing minecraft you? x
Emo Pictures - TashaCatastrophe
Sep 12 2012, 10:51 AM
always have tbh. you? x
Emo Pictures - TashaCatastrophe
Sep 12 2012, 10:39 AM
I actually grew up with it, I had every episode on VHS :3 and never seen it tbh :P x
Emo Pictures - TashaCatastrophe
Sep 12 2012, 10:28 AM
aha tied.... Naruto and Dragon Ball Z :P you? x
Emo Pictures - TashaCatastrophe
Sep 12 2012, 07:55 AM
ahah cool :) x
Emo Pictures - TashaCatastrophe
Sep 12 2012, 07:37 AM
bar staff or waitress. you? x
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Apr 20 2012, 06:15 AM
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Apr 19 2012, 09:28 AM
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Apr 18 2012, 02:02 PM
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Apr 11 2012, 10:25 PM
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Feb 05 2012, 12:17 PM
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Apr 20 2012, 06:15 AM

meeh .... i am always hurting people.. :'( i am just useless but not that many people really cares about me despite me always being the there for them ........ 3 ;_____; and i cant stop cutting atm either >.< and that is really annoying .___. FML! noone will ever love a fucked up person like me ... 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx love u all xxxxxxxx <3

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Apr 19 2012, 09:28 AM

This day has been good so far except for some idiots on the soemo chat calling me filthy slut and such .__. anyway i am forced to rest for some days now haha xD my feet r hurting and my ankles were bleeding before >.< because of me using high heeled shoes to muuch ... but they r sooo pretty thou *-* so i can't resist them :] xxxxxxxxxxxxx love u all :3 (not that there are many people who reads my journal thou =P ) hehe !

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Apr 18 2012, 02:02 PM

This day has been a really good one =] one of my little sisters turned 10 today :3 yayaayya gotta love dancing with my family hahhaha xDDDDDDD anyway LMAO at all my dad's fucking sexual jokes and asking if i like someone atm :L thats annoying lol to end this journal entry hehe someone s txts really made me smile big today =] , and i dont smile often because my smile is soo ugly D= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love u all :3

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Apr 11 2012, 10:25 PM

what to say :/ just that my aunt's husband gotta be healthy and etc soon .__. she said to one of my other aunts that they operated a pacemaker into his body yesterday after a few hours and that his brain and etc responded to it <3 :'( I am such an emotional person >.< but the aunt's husband (that aunt is named Kari almost like my name Karin haah xD Kari is a Norweigan form of my name kinda) she hasnt been married to her husband for even half a year yet :/ .... anyway i remember her and his weddding last year :3 hehe mainly because of it being the first wedding i even attended thou :p and it was sooo funny :] and since her husband is like almost half scottish then he wore a kilt haha xD anyway O.O my aunt has always been there for me <3 she has been lending me money 2 times when i have been to the UK when i have been in like I NEED money naow fast >.< xD and she understands why i need to go to UK as often as i do :p as she was just like me when she was younger :P and she is really proud of that i do that alone :] (well i am good making other people feel charmed by me anyway :p) hmmm i love sooo much so that's why i am getting so much love back <3 ^.^ and yeah thanks all here for ur support <3 hehe love u all :D u r all the reason why i smile everyday .. well almost all except for whores , fakes O.O I will always be on here and fb helping people :O since one of my passions in life is too help people :] <3 and yeah i am gonna try to get into voluteering to help out with homeless people here in Gothenburg(Sweden) where i live in may if there's anything i can do for them.... i am not grossed out by them xD i do talk with homeless people from time to time and buy's a local magazine that they make sometimes :] to see their smile makes me really warm as a person <3 Every person on earth r special :] <3 to end this very long journal thingy ... i lost my bff yesterday when i was shopping with her .__. she just left me for some odd reason TUT TUT xD bitch :O love u all peace out :P <3 xxxxxx

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Feb 05 2012, 12:17 PM

woooo ! i am sooooo hyper gotta love my life atm ...hehe ....

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