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I miss you more than I did yesterday. Give 'Em Hell, Kid, by My Chemical Romance

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - xSUICIDEBLOODx


Karin Something Norweigan
33 / Female / Göteborg /Gothenburg ( Sweden), Sweden
Bisexual / Single
Member since: Jul 02, 2008
Last online: Jul 15, 2024

Current rating: 5.4/10 (37 votes cast)

About Me


xxits_just_mexx aka Sophie is my fav pookie person

<3 here on soemo and if anyone on here will ever hurt her then i will personally come and pookie-slap u for doing soo XD >:3 

I am proud of being SWEDISH/NORWEIGAN/GERMAN <3


Favourite Music


Cinema Bizarre Ich lieben en mein herzen für immern <333 (2007-2010) I will always love their music even if they r still not a band anymore <333


Favourite Films / TV / Books






Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet





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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 26 2013, 12:00 AM
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day :]
Aug 04 2013, 09:49 AM
Paynus misses you so paynus gave you a 10 o;
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jul 19 2013, 10:42 AM
Awww thanks for the kind words Karin *hugs*
Emo Pictures - xXRockRebelXx
Jun 30 2013, 01:49 PM
thanks for accepting my friend request :)
Emo Pictures - sk8terkidisawsome
Jun 17 2013, 01:47 PM
Emo Pictures - -_-x
Jun 14 2013, 07:41 PM
Oh, you're very welcome. :) I just appreciate you so much. x Have a lovely day.
Emo Pictures - -_-x
Jun 13 2013, 12:45 PM
Hey there. :) I love the way you've set up your profile. it's very interesting.
Emo Pictures - GemXGash
Jun 09 2013, 01:18 PM
Thanks for accepting. You know Matt aka emoracer well? x
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
May 17 2013, 02:41 PM
Have a great weekend. Are you going sailing at all? I will have a good weekend I'm sure thanks x
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
May 17 2013, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the picture quote Karin. Hope you are well :)
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- :] sexy :O

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- :3

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- the coolest bitch there ever were ;)

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- :]

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- :P

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- my skinny black jeans :P sexy &lt;3

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- love made by my converse &lt;3

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- :O

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- :&#039;3

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- :3

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- &lt;3

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- i hope u like this one Matt :P lol

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- jack the ripper nerd &lt;3

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- love :3

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- trashy :O

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- hehe naughty :O

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- rawr on soemo :]

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- :]

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- me and my stuffed animal cat :* &lt;3

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- no proper goth without a lace umbrella :D

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Apr 09 2013, 05:37 AM
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Apr 05 2013, 02:52 PM
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Mar 30 2013, 04:15 AM
Heartbreak hotel by Yohio <3 OMG :O i can't stop loving this song atm and i think most of the swedish people loves him too :] i gotta watch him live sometime later on this year D: < ! Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo The taste of love Is bittersweet I can´t compete With a memory You gave your heart To someone else. I´ve been here for sure One too many times before It´s harder everytime To ignore Oh Heartbreak Hotel. Ref: You better Wake up And face the Heartache you´ve felt You better Stay strong When love´s gone At the Heartbreak Hotel. Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Heartbreak Hotel Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo I don´t know what What we´ve become Even when you´re here You´re always gone Need to let go to break the spell I´ve been here for sure One too many times before It´s harder everytime To ignore Oh Heartbreak Hotel. Ref: You better Wake up And face the Heartache you´ve felt You better Stay strong When loves gone At the Heartbreak Hotel. Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Heartbreak Hotel Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo I still believe in us But this is like a hopeless story I give my everything But always seems to end up lonely Heartbreak Hotel. Ref: You better Wake up And face the Heartache you´ve felt You better Stay strong When loves gone At the Heartbreak Hotel Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Heartbreak Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Hote…………l ijjjijij
Mar 27 2013, 12:49 PM
Private entry
Mar 27 2013, 05:42 AM
Private entry
Mar 25 2013, 02:43 PM
I just wanted for everyone to know that i have and will for the time being continue to take a break from this site...because i have a lot in my life that i need to take care off... mental health issues and etc... .____. And for u people who has me on fb the reason why i am almost never on there , its because of some fucked up security settings that i have that i cant seem to log onto it on my computer for the time being.. -__-" Anyway i love all of u on here and i will be back ....when things in my life is better.... lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <33333333333333333
Nov 04 2012, 02:40 PM
Private entry
Oct 29 2012, 10:32 PM
Private entry
Oct 25 2012, 08:40 PM
ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hehehehee and i will of course not be on here much at all today o.o.. and everyone be nice to me today when i am online on here or i will hate on chu forever ! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlove chu all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oct 24 2012, 02:24 PM
Private entry

Apr 09 2013, 05:37 AM

i hate feeling this emptyness inside of myself.... i hate getting dangerous addictions to stuff : alchohol, sleeping meds, cutting... i hate the way people look at me.... i hate living the life i live since i was 14 years old... I love my new apartment <3 I love my dad and the rest of my family and some few close friends of mine <3 (without u people then i wouldnt still be alive today) I love being in Germany <3 I hate backstabbers.... I hate people that r bullying other people.. I hate that my grandad Helge died too early 3 R.I.P *cries* I love Sweden, Norway and Germany <3333 I am proud of being a wicca and being liberal I am proud of my heritage i am proud of myself for keep fighting for myself to get myself a better life in the future I will always protect the people that i truly love and trust <3 xxxxxxxxxxxx love to the people on here that still supports me and love me as a friend xxxxxxx <3 i know that i am not an easy person to love in any way of life, so just have patience with me when i am a bit down <3

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Apr 05 2013, 02:52 PM

wooooooooooooooooooooooo anyways this day has been really dramatic :o .. being at my parents place = draaaama xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD My younger sisters r such bitches just like me hahha :p <3 I couldnt stop smiling when i saw my dad today =] i havent seen him in like 2 months...yaaaaaaaaaaaaay he's the only person who can really make me happy c= <3 Talking about him.. well i will prolly help him handing out flyers for the swedish liberal democrats tomorrow in different apartment building close to where he and almost the rest of the family lives :D ^.^ I love politics :DDDDDDD ^.^ be LIBERAL BE FREE ^.^ hippie wwwwwoooooooooooo but without the drugs :o <3333 "Free your mind and the rest will follow :3" <3 Hm... i am finally starting to get a grip on my life :3 i feel really lucky to have my own apartment after looking for one for almost 3 years :p, its not very big but its good as a first apartment to have =] <3 Hm... learning german goes pretty good... this summer will be the summer of my dreams .. GOING through the northern parts of Germany woooooooooo <3 jaaaa wohl <33333 ^.^ I can deffo see myself living in ze Deutschland in the future :3 <3 gaaah my dad is always asking me if i have a new bf lmao XD naah im nor after anything atm..as i need to get my life better and etc.. first... Hm....i am not really sure what i wanna work as in the future i am soo good at so muchie stuff.. but i think that i will be something either in the tourism stuff or like something cultural O.o It's good too have certain people that gives me financial security .. thank u :3 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ^.^ i am going riding this summer on icelandic horseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees in the southern parts of sweden .. i cant waiiiiiit to do that... :33333 its soo damn relaxing just riding in the woods just thinking of nothing in particular :33333 <3 hm.. i do hope that maybe i will be able to visit Scotland for a weekend in august <3 I cant really afford going on my own to the UK this years due too having a lot of expenses to deal with surrounding my new flat :p <3 my flat is soo gothic all purple, white, black, and etc... I am sooo gonna put up my twilight posters there soon tooo :3333 <3 ehm... i am soo obsessed with eating tuna salad atm O.o i dunno why have such craving for that :D but whatevs ;D <3 O.O there r soo many idiots in this world who gives me the stupidest of questions -_-" and expect me too give them a real answer! AS if thats gonna happen LOL :O >.> <.< >.O i hate that my dreams r soooo always realistic -_- i just dreamt some days ago about that i really wouldnt wanna get back together with my latest ex LOL >.> he was toooo booring >.< xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love almost all of u mwah mwah :3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx chu chu chu ^.^ <3

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Mar 30 2013, 04:15 AM

Heartbreak hotel by Yohio <3 OMG :O i can't stop loving this song atm and i think most of the swedish people loves him too :] i gotta watch him live sometime later on this year D: < ! Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo The taste of love Is bittersweet I can´t compete With a memory You gave your heart To someone else. I´ve been here for sure One too many times before It´s harder everytime To ignore Oh Heartbreak Hotel. Ref: You better Wake up And face the Heartache you´ve felt You better Stay strong When love´s gone At the Heartbreak Hotel. Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Heartbreak Hotel Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo I don´t know what What we´ve become Even when you´re here You´re always gone Need to let go to break the spell I´ve been here for sure One too many times before It´s harder everytime To ignore Oh Heartbreak Hotel. Ref: You better Wake up And face the Heartache you´ve felt You better Stay strong When loves gone At the Heartbreak Hotel. Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Heartbreak Hotel Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo I still believe in us But this is like a hopeless story I give my everything But always seems to end up lonely Heartbreak Hotel. Ref: You better Wake up And face the Heartache you´ve felt You better Stay strong When loves gone At the Heartbreak Hotel Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Heartbreak Ohoo Ohoo Ohoo Hote…………l ijjjijij

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Mar 27 2013, 12:49 PM

This day has been the best day for me in some months now :] I do think that i know why it is like that today ...its surely because of that i am in Spain at my granny's apartment and will stay here for the easter holidays :] and because i got soo much stuff today when i was out shopping :D.. 2 new shoes :] ( and i got a pair of superexpensive ecco sandals earlier last week :') ) I am such a spoiled person by my granny and her rich husband xD <3333 and then i got some delicious popcorn from my favorite candystore here in Spain called Belros :33333 and least but not last :3333 i got three classical books in english : The Phantom of the opera, Dracula by Bram Stoker :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and the adventures of huckleberry finn.. :] I love when people that works in bookstores talks with me x3 i can talk about books for hours and hours x333 *book worm* I think i have like 300 books or so already xD <3 .....hm...... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY The third season of Game of thrones begins sooon ...wooooooooo i can't barely wait to see it :] ( I have just started reading the first book in the series books of ice and fire by George R R Martin that the tv series of game of thrones is based on :]...... I do hope that my life will get better soon .. :3 but i do have a long and hard way before me, before i can be truly happy thou *sighs*...... No matter how sad i am then i will never ever, think of taking my life and i am not cutting myself atm either( despite having strong urges to do so) so i think that i am on the right track to being happy :3 .....Gotta love the full moon that is atm :] i will make a lot of whishes tonight that's for sure :] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lots of love from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <333333333333333333333 ur fav Swedish Bitch :]

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Mar 27 2013, 05:42 AM

I think that i will be here on soemo from now on much more than on fb.. because i feel that despite the problems that i am dealing with atm then i need too be on here to support people like i love doing :3 <3333333 But just have patience with me because i am a bit moody atm "thanks" to certain antidepressives and sleep medication that i am taking .____. (i will not be much on the chat thou but i will be active on the forums and people who wanna talk to me can pm me instead! :) ) and last but not least i love all of u on this site and i promise that i will never ever leave this site <3333 :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love for all of u lovely people xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3333333333333333333333

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Mar 25 2013, 02:43 PM

I just wanted for everyone to know that i have and will for the time being continue to take a break from this site...because i have a lot in my life that i need to take care off... mental health issues and etc... .____. And for u people who has me on fb the reason why i am almost never on there , its because of some fucked up security settings that i have that i cant seem to log onto it on my computer for the time being.. -__-" Anyway i love all of u on here and i will be back ....when things in my life is better.... lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <33333333333333333

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Nov 04 2012, 02:40 PM

"Can't Be Tamed" by Miley Cyrus <3 NOONE CAN TAME ME ;D :P i will always stand up for what i believe in :ppppppp .. SO HATERS GONNA HATE >_> but i will always win :D For those who don't know me, I can get a bit crazy Have to get my way,yep 24 hours a day 'cause I'm hot like that Every guy, everywhere just gives me mad attention Like I'm under inspection I always gets a ten, 'cause I'm built like that I go through guys like money flyin' out the hands They try to change me but they realize they can't And every tomorrow is a day I never plan If you're gonna be my man understand I can't be tamed I can't be tamed I can't be blamed I can't, can't, I can't, can't be tamed I can't be changed I can't be tamed I can't be, can't, I can't be tamed If there was a question about my intentions, I'll tell ya I'm not here to sell ya Or tell you to go to hell (I'm not a brat like that) I'm like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged If you can understand this, we can make some magic, I'm wrong like that I wanna fly, I wanna drive, I wanna go I wanna be a part of something I don't know And if you try to hold me back I might explode Baby, by now you should know I can't be tamed I can't be tamed I can't be blamed I can't, can't, I can't, can't be tamed I can't be changed I can't be tamed I can't be, can't, I can't be tamed Well I'm not a trick you play, I'm wired a different way I'm not a mistake, I'm not a fake, It's set in my DNA Don't change me Don't change me Don't change me Don't change me (I can't be tamed) I wanna fly, I wanna drive, I wanna go I wanna be a part of something I don't know And if you try to hold me back I might explode Baby, by now you should know I can't be tamed I can't be tamed I can't be blamed I can't, can't, I can't, can't be tamed I can't be changed I can't be tamed I can't be, can't, I can't be tamed

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Oct 29 2012, 10:32 PM

i should really stop self harming.. :/ but i can't do that .___. i gotta stop cutting myself, beat myself up.. or at least stop make myself get bruises .... :/ i dunno how i will ever be able too get out of this addiction :/ :'( No wonder people r always leaving me saying that they can't handle me as a person .. .__. 3

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Oct 25 2012, 08:40 PM

ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hehehehee and i will of course not be on here much at all today o.o.. and everyone be nice to me today when i am online on here or i will hate on chu forever ! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlove chu all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Oct 24 2012, 02:24 PM

I know that i should be happy atm .. because of my metal sis Agnes being over here in sweden with me.. but.. i cant be happy after the break up with my recent bf.... :'( why do i ALWAYS falls for the wrong guys ..? My life sucks... 3 I will prolly cry myself too sleep... I SO need to move away from Sweden in the future...to Germany or the Uk .. <3 because i have too many bad memories still haunting me from living here in Sweden 3 I will really try not too cut myself..again tonite...but i cant promise anyone that i won't do it again.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlove u all xxxxxxxxxxxx <3

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