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I'll never let you steal my coffin! Coffin, by Black Veil Brides

Emo Song Lyrics - Chaos XIII (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "The never ending pain Continues to pour down like rain, I used to try to keep it away But even then it came back everyday. Still you say you can't recall! Commit to memory the things you did to me. When will you stop pretending?"
    Commit to Memory, by Chaos XIII
  • "For once in my life I finally loved someone / Something felt right but apparently I was wrong / 'Cause she doesn't love me / She just can't feel it like I do / And I recently found out / She said she loved you..."
    What doesn't she see in you, by Chaos XIII
  • "Life Sucks! Take it or Leave it Hate it or Love it Laugh or Cry Life Sucks! Take it or Leave it Hate it or Love it Live or Die!"
    Life Sucks, by Chaos XIII
  • "My wrists keepbright on bleeding And my voice keeps right on screaming I am tainted by the virus While I'm burning in the darkness (Bring the light back!)"
    Scars, by Chaos XIII
  • "I've got to let go of all the anger and hate / The pain, the suffering, I cannot take / I can honestly say no greater peace I find / Than when it's you and me so I can just unwind!"
    Unwind, by Chaos XIII
  • "Now I'm loveless Wishing you could hold me In your arms and just Rock me to sleep for eternity"
    Loveless, by Chaos XIII
  • "I won't lie I'm going to die If you don't save my life And take away this knife I won't scream I won't even bleed I'll just cut so deep That I reach eternal sleep"
    I came this close to life, by Chaos XIII
  • "Your aching heart keeps on beating inspite/and only you know how hard it truly is/Just to even function in your daily life/to try to bear the darkness you're hiding within."
    Alone, by Chaos XIII
  • "And you're all alone now, ashamed / It feels like death is right behind you / But no one seems to know your pain / And no one understands you"
    Alone, by Chaos XIII
  • "Poisonous blade it claimed my life Poisonous blade saved me from you The only pain that's worse than the knife Is all the sick and twisted things you do"
    Ode to Mother, by Chaos XIII
  • "My wrists keep / Right on bleeding / And my voice keeps right on screaming / I am tainted by the virus / While I'm burning in the darkness."
    Scars, by Chaos XIII

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