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im gonna hope for you im gonna pray for you amongst the reckless and the black, salvation lies within. im gonna hope for you im gonna pray for you amongst the reckless and the black, my time is yours my friend. Heyjohnwhatsyournameagain, by Devil wears prada

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  • "She's only seventeen, her whole life's ahead of her She hates school because the people are discredit her Her boyfriend tries to show that's not how it seems But every day she just gets lowered with her self esteem "
    Baby Don't Cut, by B-Mike
  • "I know your heart is hurting you feel your on your own, but listen pretty lady you don't have to be alone so baby don't cut you can do anything just promise baby you won't cut"
    baby don't cut, by B-mike
  • "I know your heart is hurting, you think the road has end You may just feel that blade you're holding is your only friend."
    Baby don't cut, by B-Mike
  • "Thank you Cloverly Avenue You helped me mend What I had torn in two"
    Cloverly Avenue, by Backstab Burial
  • "Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say I want it that way"
    I want it that way, by Backstreet Boys
  • "Before they open. the same sick thoughts, of things I've broken the times i'm lost, You graze the skin, like warning shots, and mourning you, is every morning frost"
    Kelly Pain, by Ballerina Blak
  • "...A penny for my thoughts. Oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar. They're worth so much more after I'm a gonner. And maybe then you'll hear the words I've been singing. Funny when you're dead how people start listnin'."
    If I Die Young, by Band Perry
  • "If I die young burry me in saten. Lay me down on a bed of roses. Sink me in the river at dawn. Send me away with the words of a love song."
    If I Die Young, by Band Perry
  • "The distance between us is too much to bear, and I can't stand just being alone. The distance between us takes over and leaves me breathless as I feel lost again."
    The Distance, by BatAAr
  • "What little we had left won't keep me from walking away. I've heard it all before, this hollow truth, what is the meaning of a life without answers?"
  • "Through all this time I waited, all this time I lost, I know I'll die young. Our sunsets another day."
  • "Walk through dark to see the light, I was born to win this fight! Challenging the iron fist, I won't go down! I'm not defined by my bloodline, I'll seize all pride, ignite the fire inside."
    VREDE, by BatAAr
  • "no guts no glory this is not your story / no guts no glory so stay right there far away from me"
    die young, by BatAAr
  • "Shut up, count your calories. I never look good in mom jeans. Wish I was more like you, blue eyes, blondie, perfect body."
    Prom Queen, by Beach Bunny
  • "When I tell you I`ll be fine I still want you by my side please just try to read between the lines where`s my comfort in the undefined please just try to read between the lines"
    The Lines, by Beartooth
  • "This is for the kids with the beaten in lips, whose parents tried to shut them up using their fists."
    Beaten in lips, by Beartooth
  • "I lost my mind before I knew what it meant to be sane."
    Relapsing, by Beartooth
  • "This is for the kids with the beaten in lips, Whose parents try to shut them up using their fists, Keep living loud and proud, They never can hold you down."
    Beaten In Lips, by Beartooth
  • "What is the poison inside of me? The sickness in my head, Put me to sleep while I find a cure for the sickness in my head."
    The Lines, by Beartooth
  • "Keep living loud and proud, they never can hold you down!"
    Beaten in Lips, by Beartooth
  • " This is for the kids with the beaten in lips Whose parents try to shut them up using their fists Keep living loud and proud They never can hold you down"
    Beaten In Lips, by Beartooth
  • "When i tell you ill be fine, I still want you by my side. Please just try to read between the lines."
    between the lines, by Beartooth
  • "This is for the kids with the beaten in lips Whose parents try to shut them up using their fists Keep living loud and proud They never can hold you down"
    kids with beaten lips, by Beartooth
  • "This is for the kids with the beaten in lips Whose parents try to shut them up using their fists"
    kids with beaten lips, by Beartooth
  • "This is for the kids with the beaten in lips Whose parents try to shut them up using their fists"
    kids with beaten lips, by Beartooth
  • "Girls, to do the dishes Girls, to clean up my room Girls, to do the laundry Girls, and in the bathroom"
    Girls, by Beastie Boys
  • " Everything could change in just a minute,but there's nobody else when were in it. We don't have to talk about forever. Come on let me be your guilty pleasure."
    Guilty Pleasure, by Becca
  • "Nothing I say I comes out right, I can't love without a fight, no one ever knows my name, when I pray for sun it rains."
    I'm Alive, by Becca
  • "I'm alive! I'm alive, oh yeah! Between the good and bad's where you'll find me, reaching for heaven. I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die. I live my life, I'm alive!"
    I'm Alive, by Becca
  • "It's what kills me slowly, you kill me slowly with the way i know you wont come back and i regret everything i SAID"
    City in a Snowglobe, by Before their Eyes

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