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There's no room in this hell, there's no room in the next...But does anyone notice? There's a corpse in this bed. Early Sunsets Over Monroeville, by My Chemical Romance

Emo Song Lyrics - Kat Boelskov (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "I know you're not well I shouldn’t get involved I'm not ready to engage On any kind of human level I don’t know you but I feel your heart calling Feel a kinship I cannot explain it "
    INVOLVED, by Kat Boelskov
  • "Can you tell where I’ve been From the way I carry my heart Can you tell what I’ve seen From the way I wear my expression I fought and I loved with a passion I still carry the marks on my body"
    Can You Tell, by Kat Boelskov
  • "Is it worth the pain you find when you wake up After passing out from hitting your head against the wall Just to blot out the thought That no one ever truly hears your call "
    Golem, by Kat Boelskov

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