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GoodBye Agony Goodbye agony, by Black Veil Brides

Emo Song Lyrics - La Dispute (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "Everybody has to let go someday. Everybody has to let go. I wander when I will(I wander)."
    You and I in Unison, by La Dispute
  • "Can I still get into heaven if I kill myself?"
    King Park, by La Dispute
  • "And the worst of the wildlife wears clothes and can prey…"
    A Poem, by La Dispute
  • "I think i saw you in my sleep, lover, i think i saw you in my dreams you were stitching up the seams on every broken promise that your body couldnt keep i think i saw you in my sleep..."
    such small hands, by La Dispute
  • "If I can't love you as a love,I'll love you as a friend"
    Andria, by La Dispute

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