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Strip me down, Take my crown, Kill me if you please, Take all of the revenge you want, But please just never leave, This bed without you, seems to freeze, And summer never comes, Surely seeing my reflection will be punishment enough Crestfallen, by Follow My Lead

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  • "I made a cookie, yet I ate it. I saw you so I made a heart shaped cookie, there is nothing like it. Don't break it in half, just give it a try. I'll let you know I'm happy when I hug you and cry."
    Cookie love, by Ethan Ward (GhostWorks)
  • "They see me and they hate me, I feel like this place isn't ment to be I built up my courage just to even step foot outside Many times I ran away, many times really hurt, dunno what to say It's like the madness has been spread world wide."
    The Lone Walker, by GhostWorks

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