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I've got nothing to prove. Nothing To Prove, by The Doubleclicks

Emo Song Lyrics - Metallica (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "twisting your mind and smashing your dreams, just call my name coz i'll hear you scream."
    master of puppets, by Metallica
  • "I am lost within myself, no excuses no one else. I have lost the will to live, give me something more to give. There is nothing more for me, in the end to set me free."
    Fade to Black, by Metallica
  • "Keep him tied, it makes him well He's getting better, can't you tell"
    Sanitarium, by Metallica
  • "Landmine, has taken my sight, taken my speech, taken my hearing, taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul, left me with life in hell..."
    One, by Metallica
  • "Sanctify your demons, bow down!"
    The Judas Kiss, by Metallica
  • "Hold my breath as I wish for death, oh God help me."
    One, by Metallica
  • "Mouths so full of lies Tend to black your eyes Just keep them closed Keep praying, just keep waiting"
    The Day That Never Comes, by Metallica
  • "Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost, this can't be real Cannot stand this hell I feel"
    Fade To Black, by Metallica

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