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I've rather be a half alive . . . . In to the night waking up an ANIMAL inside . . Isolated blood is still runing in my vein . . . To sure u hate me again . . . Kill me with your kiss, by satyamHCR

Emo Song Lyrics - Circle Takes The Square (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "This portrait of karma crafted in accident text book seduction minus the text in the language of ghosts. And so we ran like the wolves were biting. The inhibitions of their prey kept them from screaming scratch my back and I will stab you in yours."
    This Non Objective Portrait of Karma, by Circle Takes The Square
  • "So I choose to live this life alone without the teeth marks, but I predict I'll have to sink my fangs into someone else's heart to heal my own. Just a victim's split: one part for you; one for the wolves, but I'll grow weary soon."
    This Non Objective Portrait of Karma, by Circle Takes The Square
  • "But I'll grow weary soon. Weary of this fractal code, weary of this hallway lined with ghosts. Just a scratch upon the skin, a drop of blood to let them in."
    This Non Objective Portrait of Karma, by Circle Takes The Square

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