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How Stubborn Are The Scars When They Won't Fade Away? Or Just A Gentle Reminder That Now Are Better Days... A Prophecy, by Asking Alexandria

Emo Song Lyrics - Megadeth (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "The sleeping feel no more pain; while the living all are scarred."
    A Tout Le Monde, by Megadeth
  • "I loved you once before; you kept me on a string. I'd rather go without than take what you would bring. "
    Loved to Deth, by Megadeth
  • "It brings me great pleasure to say my next job is you. Don't you know that Killing is my business and business is good?"
    Killing is My Business, by Megadeth
  • "Your life is like a trigger,never trouble till you're squeezed. Now you crack a smile, as you give the gun a tease."
    My Last Words, by Megadeth
  • "Oh lord, I wait for death, and, yes, I have no fear."
    Devil's Island, by Megadeth
  • "Old, weak, and feeble, But the lesson taught to me, to stay away from evil,she doesn't care for me. She haunts me in my sleep,though I tore that page away. And, here on Devils Island,I'll always have to stay. "
    Devil's Island, by Megadeth
  • "The sun is shining,But feel not today,It's warmth, it's dying,And fading away."
    Devil's Island, by Megadeth
  • "I ain't superstitious, When a black cat crosses my path. And, I ain't superstitious, As I break the looking glass. Ain't afraid of no demons, Don't make me laugh!"
    I Ain't Superstitious, by Megadeth
  • "Look deep in the mirror, look deep into its eyes. Your face is replaced, a creature you despise"
    Liar, by Megadeth
  • "Go to sleep my love and taste my sweet revenge on your lips"
    The Hardest Part of Letting Go is Saying Goodbye, by Megadeth
  • "If I get up to the top I know; I'll just go back downhill. I've got a terminal future and it's time to write my will"
    99 Ways to Die, by Megadeth
  • "The gun in my mouth was real and the taste, it blew my mind"
    99 Ways to Die, by Megadeth
  • "So as you read this know my friends I'd love to stay with you all Smile when you think of me My body's gone that's all"
    A Tout Le Monde, by Megadeth
  • "Feeling claustrophobic Like the walls are closing in Blood stains on my hands and I don't know where I've been. "
    Sweating bullets, by Megadeth

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