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Call it love, call it lies, call it anything you like! I'd do anything to bring you back to life! Immortal Love, by VAMPIRES EVERYWHERE!

Emo Song Lyrics - Starset (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "Can you tell me what is real? Cause I've lost my way again Can you tell me how to feel? Cause I don't feel anything Now that I'm down here again I'm down with the fallen again"
    Down With The Fallen, by Starset
  • "Carnivore! Carnivore! Won't you come digest me? Take away everything I am. Bring it to an end. Make me fall. Make me bleed. Go ahead and change me? Take away everything I am. Everything I am. "
    Carmivore, by Starset
  • "But you told me, if you love me Let it die"
    Let it die, by Starset
  • "Who are you to change this world? Silly boy! No one needs to hear your words. Let it go. Carnivore! Carnivore! Won't you come digest me? Take away everything I am, bring it to an end!"
    Carnivore, by Starset

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