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He fights so you won't ignore him, Cause that's his biggest fear. This is a call, by Thousand Foot Krutch

Emo Song Lyrics - Atreyu (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "Gutted like a pig, all you want is the world to bleed, someone somewhere stole your desire The pain akin to, being punched in the throat, and stabbed in the chest"
    Ain't Love Grand, by Atreyu
  • "STOP! My breathing in the night when you're not there. The silence ringing through my ears and all I want to do is hear your voice. But you're not there"
    When Two Are One, by Atreyu
  • "Live, Love, Burn, Die"
    Lip Gloss And Black, by Atreyu
  • "Silence ringing through my ears and all I want to do is hear your voice. But you're not there."
    Two Become One, by Atreyu
  • "Look how pretty she is when she falls down, now there's no beauty in bleeding mascara"
    Bleeding Mascara, by Atreyu
  • "Death won't hold you as tight as she will"
    Her Portrait In Black, by Atreyu
  • "Look how pretty she is, when she falls down, and theres no beauty in bleeding mascara lips are quivering like a withering rose."
    Bleeding Mascara, by Atreyu
  • "Who died in the systematic procress that we call life each indiscriminate event leading itself to the total destruction the total nihilation of the beauty and spark of mankinds history each failure is so symbolic of whats past and what yet left to be"
    Who died, by Atreyu
  • "I will kiss every scar and weep youre not alone. Then I'll show you the place in my chest where my heart still tries to beat."
    Lip Gloss and Black, by Atreyu
  • "If I give you pretty enough words, could you paint a picture of us that works? An emphasis on function rather than design?"
    Lip Gloss and Black, by Atreyu
  • "You'd rather bleed than be without her."
    Aint Love Grand, by Atreyu
  • "arnt you tired of being weak? such a rage that you could scream all the stars right out of the sky and destroy prettiest stary night every evening that i die LIVE! LOVE! BURN! DIE!"
    lip gloss and black, by Atreyu
  • "Aren't You Tired Of Being Week? Such Rage That You Could Screem All The Stars Right Out Of The Sky And Destroy The Prettiest Stary Night Every Evening That I Die?"
    Lip Gloss and Black, by Atreyu
  • "Please Dont Worry Too Much It Only Hurts When I Breathe "
    Someone's Standing On My Chest, by Atreyu
  • "The better days hacked away. Leaving me only pain. The regret is never ending"
    Doomsday, by Atreyu
  • "Will you still hold me, when you see what I have done? Will you still kiss me the same, when you taste my victoms blood? So crimson and red, I feel it flowing from your lips. Crimson and red.."
    The Crimson, by Atreyu
  • "You soul sucker I won't become like you"
    Bleeding Mascara, by Atreyu
  • "She never looked so good, and I never felt so right, I never felt so right, I NEVER FELT SO RIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!"
    Right Side of The Bed, by Atreyu

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